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Did You Know...

... that Sweden's Echochamber will be well prepared at Paraclete XP?

NSL Live Talk with Echochamber and friends
posted Mar 9th, 2025 - The NSL News audience may remember the NSL Live Talk with Sweden's national team in 4-way Open, Echochamber Oceanside, that was recorded on 11 October 2024, after the completion of the 26th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships at Crystal Coast in North Carolina.

The headline was telling its own story of a passionate and committed 4-way team, and of team members who love to spend time for training and competition together. Team speaker Ulf Liljenback confirmed not too long ago that Echochamber will follow up on their plans for the next decade. The Swedish team is registered for the FAI Indoor World Championship 2025 next month at Paraclete XP.

The interview with the complete Echochamber lineup and Swedish friends took place after winning the unofficial amateur world championship title with the 5th place at Crystal Coast, after a battle for this position with Airbus Illertissen Oceanside (Germany), Agera (Norway) and other teams in the Top 10 positions behind the medal contenders. The outdoor season was over for Echochamber and any Scandinavian teams after the outdoor world championship, and they had the whole winter to get ready for the indoor world championship. The competition in October was the last one for Echochamber in 2024, and Sweden's world class team has not competed at an indoor meet in 2025 so far.

FAI Indoor World Championship 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank 4-way Open Top 10 E,14,3 K,F,22,17 O,7,5 N,2,18 L,P,12,15 M,10,D,H 16,9,C 1,G,J,8 4,Q,21 6,20,A Total Avg
1 Arizona Airspeed US 27 35 39 27 -2 31 38 38 29 28 -1 31 323 32.3
2 France 4-way Open FR 27 33 38 26 -2 28 33 -3 35 28 30 30 308 30.8
3 NMP-PCH Hayabusa BE 26 -1 30 33 -3 26 -3 28 37 -1 37 28 29 30 -1 304 30.4
4 Qatar Tigers QA 24 29 -1 32 -1 26 25 -3 32 30 -2 26 25 -1 26 -1 275 27.5
5 Jochen Schweizer Arena Airfource DE 22 -2 28 -1 33 22 25 30 -2 31 24 24 -1 25 -1 264 26.4
6 Echochamber Oceanside SE 22 26 -1 30 17 -5 24 28 -3 27 -2 23 24 25 -1 246 24.6
7 FLY X IT 19 -4 27 30 -1 20 -1 21 -1 29 -2 30 -1 23 -1 22 -2 24 -1 245 24.5
8 HF Flying Circus CZ 20 -2 23 -1 29 -1 22 20 -2 30 -2 29 24 20 -3 25 242 24.2
9 Purple Maze FI 22 26 29 19 -3 21 29 27 25 21 -3 21 -2 240 24.0
9 Papea ES 23 -1 24 -2 29 -2 19 -5 21 -2 28 -2 28 25 21 -1 22 -2 240 24.0

Echochamber Oceanside at the FAI Indoor World Championship 2023
Echochamber in Slovakia 2023
Echochamber have still been following the competition of their potential opponents in April very carefully, as they are still very eager to continue defending their status of the strongest unofficial amateur team in the world. In fact, they always hope for one of the medal contenders to stumble and a chance to win a round here and there over the best full-time 4-way teams in the world.

Arizona Airspeed, Aethers Medjay, Qatar Tigers and NMP PCH HayaBusa were out of reach at Crystal Coast. However, the Swedish 4-way experts knew that three of the four teams would continue with either very new lineups (HayaBusa), or after significant changes (Arizona Airspeed, Qatar Tigers).

Echochamber had finished only in 6th place at the previous indoor world championship in Slovakia 2023 and then followed up with the 5th place at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2024 in China, where NMP PCH HayaBusa were skipping their usual slot in the top area of the 4-way Open Class leaderboard. Spain's military CISM lineup of Papea stole the 4th place from Echochamber by three points in China and were then facing their own changes in the lineup, as well.

FAI Indoor World Cup 2024
Rank4-way Open Top 108,C,7K,G,12,B6,4,H20,1,515,10,AF,O,P,2119,M,9J,13,E,2216,3,NL,Q,D,18TotalAvg
1Arizona Airspeed US 35 36-2 32 29 29 44 39 29 31 39 34334.3
2Aethers FR 32-1 33 31 27 26 40-2 36 28-1 30 36-1 31931.9
3Qatar Tigers QA 29-1 32-1 25-3 25 25-1 41 35 28 27 33 30030.0
4Papea ES 30 28 25 24-1 23-2 38-1 33 25-1 22-1 26-3 27427.4
5Echochamber Oceanside SE 24-2 30-2 27 25 22-1 37 29-3 24 25 28-1 27127.1
6China CN 25 27 26 24 22 33-4 29-2 25-1 20-3 30 26126.1
7Fly X IT 27-1 26-2 23-2 22 22-1 37-2 30-1 24 21-3 27-2 25925.9
8Qatar Lions QA 23-2 22-5 26 21-1 19-2 35-2 30 25 25 26-3 25225.2
9Crazy Dragons CZ 24-1 24-2 21-2 20-1 18-3 34 30 23 21-1 26-2 24124.1
10Netunos BR 19-2 27 21-2 18-2 16-2 30-5 29-1 23 21-1 27-123123.1

Echochamber Oceanside at the FAI Indoor World Cup 2024
Echochamber in China 2024
Results of the Echochamber evaluation after the Wind Games 2025, the first relevant indoor competition this year, included a good chance to claim the unofficial amateur title successfully at the indoor world championship, as well. There seemed to be even the potential for getting closer to the medal positions than ever before.

Only Aethers Medjay will be back with the unchanged lineup since 2022, and NMP PCH HayaBusa have the same lineup who have been competing for Belgium beginning last year and finished 2nd behind France at the Wind Games. Neither the team in 3rd place, Tunnel Vision, nor the Golden Knights, new U.S. indoor champions, will represent the U.S. delegation at Paraclete XP. The new Airspeed lineup, with Niklas Hemlin substituting for Allison de Vargas, compete next month for the United States.

The medal positions are probably once again out of reach for Echochamber, while there could be a chance to still move up to the 4th place in the 4-way Open Class rankings. The Lions replace the Tigers completely for Qatar and could be in reach for Echochamber, even though coaches Gary Smith and Luc Verstrepen have been doing their best to fill the gap. The Lions have not reached the scoring and performance level of Echochamber's best indoor results yet, and the Swedish team is in full swing of preparations, including new jumpsuits and helmets for the indoor world championship. Echochamber will arrive on the 5th of April and have almost two hours of indoor training to get used to Paraclete XP's flying chamber. The Swedes are happy with their better preparations and excited to be back in competition action soon.

Wind Games 2025
Rank4-way Open Top 10L,N,O,6M,3,A,JB,D,5,KQ,10,722,1,C15,11,FE,14,178,21,49,20,HG,19,P,13TotalAvg
1Aethers Medjay FR 39-14348-129-1262932253832-134134.1
2NMP PCH HayaBusa BE 39-13742-126-12625-1292234-128-130830.8
3Golden Knights US 38-13543-32725-12828-121-228-53230530.5
4Echochamber OceansideSE------------
4Skywalkers JuniorCZ------------
4Fly X Amnesya IT 3327-436-1252222-124-12126-22526126.1
4Qatar Lions QA 25-627-535-4252323-22619312525925.9
4Papea ES 29-130-132-127232423193022-225925.9
Aethers Medjay - NMP PCH HayaBusa - Golden Knights at the Wind Games 2025
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