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Did You Know...

... that the Perris Fury videos show what happened in Texas?

Chris Farina with Christy Frikken at the World Challenge 2009
posted Sep 23rd, 2009 - The Perris Fury scores from Texas needed another correction. The final and official score for Round 3 is 12 points. Fury completed 16 points in working time and lost four points due to video issues.

Fury's Center Inside Chris Farina provided the meet videos and the exact breakdown of the numbers. The audience now has the opportunity to see what happended in each of the rounds. This does not include Round 1, of course, where Fury had to accept a Zero for a video that could not be judged.

18 points had to be deducted for formations or maneuvers that the event judge, Henry Butler, could not clearly evaluate due to the video trouble. Chris Farina added that the additional penalty can be found in Round 5. The first Bipole of Block 14 on the top of the second page was incomplete.

Spaceland Force XP at the Shamrock Showdown 2009
The NSL News also received feedback directly from Spaceland Force XP. Tail Ian Bobo explained to the NSL News why the team was not able to attend the meet on home turf, the competition site of the USPA Nationals 2009.

The Force had already decided at the end of the team's August camp, three weeks ago, that the expected top contender for the AAA/Open Class title would not compete at the TSL September meet. Ian Bobo explained that his team thought that it was not a good timing: "Mainly, we made the decision based on the idea of not peaking before the Nationals by entering a competition with little to no impact on our bigger picture."

He said that the Force had just finished with a strong average for the competition draw of the USPA Nationals 2008. The team now felt good about it's position compared to Arizona Airspeed.

Focused on training: Spaceland Force XP
Ian Bobo said that the Force did not know at that time that Perris Fury was planning to make the trip to Texas. The team's videographer, TSL Director Eric Boyd, then contacted Perris Fury the following week and made them aware of the Force's decision to skip the meet. He said that the Perris Fury members apparently made their own decisions from there: "They knew well in advance and still decided to come."

Then he explained why the Force was still training while the TSL competition ran parallel at the same place and time: "Our planned training calendar for September has been in place for months, it just so happened that Saturday was our first day of this 5-day camp."

He added that it did not make too much sense to him and his team to "show up cold" and enter the meet. The Force's decision was supported by the Spaceland management: "The dropzone here supported our decision, and we have already competed once in Waller in our support of the Texas Skydiving League."

Brian Johnson fills in for Satori at the World Challenge
The Force is dealing with another problem in the meantime, which is most important at the upcoming qualification for next year's World Meet in Russia. Ian Bobo reported that Point Gary Beyer is currently nursing a shoulder injury.

Thomas Hughes, Shannon Pilcher and Ian Bobo were already training with Brian Johnson last weekend. It was a move to get prepared for the worst case situation: Gary Beyer on the ground in three weeks.

However, the Force was in good hope that things will work out well, eventually, as Ian Bobo finished his update: "We hope and expect him to still be with us for the Nationals. It has been a trying camp, and we still have our focus on a great battle at showtime..."

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