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Did You Know...

... that more 100-way footage has been uploaded?

Busy SkyQuest Thursday in DeLand
posted Nov 27th, 2009 - The NSL News will still be following up on SkyQuest 2009 for a while.

Especially the big-way fans in Formation Skydiving will be interested in watching the jumps of the Falcon and Eagle 100-way teams.

Processing the video footage of all the jumps is a time consuming task and will be done step by step. Some earlier video clips of the event included already a few jumps of the Falcon Team, embedded in videos with other scenes on the ground.

The newly uploaded videos of the Kaleidoscope Dives now provide the complete footage of each jump. There were always at least two or three freefall videographers filming the 100-ways from different angles.

Falcon Team captain Larry Henderson
The first video clips of "NSL Reality TV" included only one of the freefall videos of one videographer.

The new videos present all the footage of each jump. The links to these videos can be found at the Kaleidoscope Dives page.

The first three jumps of the Falcon Team have already been uploaded. They were all done on the first day of the event. The Eagle Team did three jumps on Thursday, as well. The Eagle videos will be processed and uploaded next.

Of course, more 4-way videos will follow, as well. There are several more interesting stories waiting. The lineups of the 4-way teams were colorful, and the small competition offered great battles.

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