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Did You Know...

... that the Czech Rookie Class teams of 2007 will now compete in the AAA Class?

Rookie Class competitors of 2007
posted Dec 31st, 2009 - It all began with five AAA Class teams in May 2005. Jan Klapka, passionate 4-way fan from the Czech Republic, decided that the 4-way teams in his country needed more competition fun. He joined the international NSL Network and launched the Czech Republic Skydiving League.

The participating teams of 2005 all came back next year, and a few more joined the Czech 4-way community. Then Jan Klapka added the Rookie Class for the 2007 season and focused on recruiting more 4-way teams and competitors at the grassroot level.

It was a very successful move for a country with a small skydiving community. Three Rookie Class teams competed at each of the four meets of the regular season. Eventually, the Rookie Class was also sanctioned by the Czech association and applied at the national championships.

A Class competitors of 2008
Jan Klapka did the next logical step for the 2008 season and added the A Class. The Rookie Class teams of 2007 learned the first set of eight blocks and competed regularly in the A Class that year, while new Rookie Class lineups joined at the league meets. The A Class was also sanctioned and applied at the national championships of 2008.

This year, the Rookie Class teams of 2007 and A Class teams of 2008 moved up into the new AA Class. New Rookie Class teams were formed, and a Rookie Class team of 2008 won the championships this year. Five Rookie Class teams at the championship of 2009 was a new participation record.

AA Class team Fast Arrows became one of the busiest teams in the world after attending seven meets in 2009. In addition, the Czech Republic was in the international spotlight as the host for the FAI World Cup 2009 in Prostejov. The NSL News reported a great event live from the competition site.

AA Class competitors of 2009
Now it is time for Jan Klapka to watch the Rookie Class teams of 2007 move up into the AAA Class competition with the complete IPC dive pool. This is the top of the ladder for those teams, while he also has to provide a new home for those of last year's numerous Rookie Class teams that want to move up into the A Class.

He did not have any A Class teams in 2009, so there is no need for the AA Class category in 2010. The Czech Republic Skydiving League will apply the AAA Class, A Class and the Rookie Class next year. There will most likely be more AAA Class teams competing than ever before.

Jan Klapka has once again scheduled three meets of the regular season at three different locations (Jihlava - May, PrĂ­bram - June, Most - July) before the national championship will conclude the season in Most in August. He said that he has already ten teams that are training regularly for the 2010 season.

Bad Boyz at the World Cup 2009
The 2010 season in the Czech Republic offers more exciting events for the 4-way teams. The construction of the new wind tunnel in Prague has begun. Jan Klapka hopes that the teams can use the new training tool already in June.

He also plans ahead for the 2011 season. Some neighbouring countries don't have their own leagues and enough competitions yet. Jan Klapka already discusses a possible cooperation with teams from Poland and Slovakia, which are also looking for more competition practice and 4-way meet fun.

Jan Klapka himself has been a team member of the Bad Boyz for several years. His team will continue to challenge the national 4-way team, Skywalkers. Both teams have been pushing each other to new record scores year by year.

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