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Did You Know...

... that there are no scoresheets available in Dubai?

Airspeed's Round 6
posted Jan 14th, 2010 - Round 7 has already been completed, and Airspeed's video can already be reviewed on the team's Facebook page. The scores have not been posted yet, and Craig Girard does not feel like commenting much any longer after being surprised by the results on the scoreboard already a few times before.

However, he also uploaded the video of Round 6 where Airspeed, Hayabusa and France all shared the highscore of 26 points for the round.

The results of the judging procedure and any details of the penalty situations are completely subject to speculation, he also reported. There is no eletronic judging system in Dubai, and rumor is that there are five judges in a room with a stopwatch.

Craig Girard has not seen seen any scoresheets so far: "I only know one of the judges, Ray Williams from Australia, but I don't know what his scoresheets look like."

Airspeed had four point deductions in the six rounds so far. More information will follow later.

Dubai Championship

Who will win the 4-way Open Class?

Arizona Airspeed
Hayabusa Defence
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