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Did You Know...

... that more Black Magick is now on NSL-TV?

posted Jul 27th, 2005 - The NSL-TV production is a little bit behind schedule. The NSL News story announcing the Malevsky Cup DVDs last week promised new NSL-TV very soon, first FSL then SSL footage.

There was a new round of NSL-TV next day, however, it covered the June meet of the Northern Plains Skydiving League. The NPSL DVD, provided by NPSL Director Sandy Grillet, became priority after weeks of waiting for NSL-TV attention.

Then came last weekend's meet stories, and the new rounds of NSL-TV had to wait even longer. However, the second round of the Florida Skydiving League's June meet at Skydive City could finally be edited and uploaded, and the meet videos have now been available since yesterday.

Black Magick's Round 2
Viewers have been asking for more Black Magick footage after the first jump of Joey Joey's 4-way project was presented on NSL-TV with the NSL News story on June 22. That was no surprise since the Black Magick footage is really unique, and the different 4-way skydiving skills, featured by Black Magick members Thomas Hughes (Outside Center), Joey Jones (Inside Center), Juliana Se (Tail) and Joel Tambor (Point) are truly impressive.

Round two of the FSL competition in June was even more challenging for Black Magick since the A Class sequence (P-B-21) included the first block of the competition draw for all teams in this class. Black Magick had practiced some of the blocks a few times before the first competition. However, flying the pieces of Block 21 (Zig Zag - Marquis) upside down was still a very serious challenge for the four world class free flyers.

Team ZHills' Round 2
The score of three points was the lowest score of the round. However, Black Magick was cheered for like winning a world championship when they completed the block move. From here on, each sequence of the remaining four rounds included an A Class block, and Black Magick got better and better with flying the pieces, as the scores can tell.

The AAA Class sequence (P-B-21-M) offered another opportunity for the four AAA Class teams on site to improve the meet average. Especially Team ZHills with Al Brooks (Center Inside), Ron Hill (Point), Steve Johnston (Center Outside), Jim Klinge (Tail) and Teiwa-Z-Hills Pink (Natasha Montgomery, Thomas Hughes, Robert Healy, Kurt Gaebel) took advantage of the fast sequence with scores of 24 and 23 points. Teiwa-Z-Hills Pink ended up winning the first place in the AAA Class with a 18.5 meet average.

FSC Wind Damaged followed up on the score of round one and posted 11 points for the AA Class sequence (P-B-21), which was identical with Black Magick's A Class sequence. Zero Tolerance Miami in the A Class tied Geronimo's AA Class score of six points in round two.

Enjoy the show, SSL-TV is next.

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