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Did You Know...

... that Dynamic Fource and the Dutch Football team have something in common?

Dynamic Fource in 2007
posted Jun 21st, 2010 - They both won last Saturday...

The NSL News has followed the Dutch national 4-way team Dynamic Fource since it was formed in 2007. The team's highlight in the 4-year history was probably the race with the Italian Spin team for the unofficial title of the amateur world champion at the World Meet 2008 in Maubeuge, France. Dynamic Fource ended up two points behind the Italian team with an 18.4 average after seven rounds.

The Spin Team did not continue, and Dynamic Fource has become the top contender for this year's race to become the strongest 4-way team in the world of amateur competitors at the World Championship of Formation Skydiving 2010 in Menzelinsk, Russia.

The story on 19 January 2010 provided an update of the Dutch team's situation after a training camp in DeLand. The next update followed after the completion of the World Challenge 2010 where Dynamic Fource competed for the first time.

With coach Gary Smith at the World Meet 2008
Last weekend, the teams in the Netherlands came together for their 2010 season opener at the 16th annual Tomscat Trophy 2010, the most popular 4-way competition in the Netherlands. Dynamic Fource attended the meet and won the trophy for the 4th consecutive time.

It was also the 16th AAA Class gold medal for team member Paul Hofstee who has been on the winning teams ever since the event was launched in 1995. However, the most exciting news for the Dutch national team was probably the fact that the Fource finished with a very encouraging 20.6 average after the five completed rounds.

The 25-pointer in Round 1 is also a new Tomscat Trophy record score for a single round and ties the Dutch national record that was posted by Dynamic Fource at the national championships last year. Mike Pennock provided the video of Round 1.

Dutch skydiving fans at the World Meet 2008
The weather in the Netherlands did not allow the completion of more than five rounds. Mike Pennock reported that he experienced the worst part of the whole competition when he was in the jump plane on Saturday.

The Dutch national football team played against Japan on Saturday. Four years ago, when the FIFA World Cup took place in Germany, the weather was even worse at the Tomscat Trophy, and the Dutch teams and competitors were on a weather hold during the football game.

This time, the game was running while the jump plane with Mike Pennock's team and others were cruising on jump altitude for 20 minutes to find a spot. That's when the Dutch football team scored the winning goal of the game against Japan.

Wesley Sneijder scores for the Netherlands
The NSL News will soon follow up with more information of the Tomscat Trophy. It was once again a great meet in all four competition classes. Many of the Dutch teams have moved up into the next category and met with former and new rivals.

The next 4-way meet in the Netherlands is scheduled for the July 10/11 weekend. That's the date for the final games for the medals at the FIFA World Cup.

There is hardly a doubt that the meet will be interrupted for two hours should the Dutch football team make it to the FIFA World Cup final game...

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