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Did You Know...

... that SkyQuest 2005 offers $5,000 cash and more after the NSL Playoffs this weekend?

DeLand Genesis, winner of the NSL Championship 1998
posted Aug 16th, 2005 - The NSL Playoffs are the official qualification event to the NSL Championship. The National Skydiving League structured its skydiving competition season into different levels from the very beginning and simply copied the successful system of other sports leagues.

The first NSL season in 1998 consisted only of the regular season of the first three leagues (Texas, Georgia, Florida) and the NSL Championship 1998 in DeLand. More leagues joined in 1999, and the first move toward the NSL structure of the future was already made at the NSL Championship 1999.

NSL Championship 1999 on air at the Sunshine Network
The championship event at the beginning of November in DeLand began with five qualification rounds on Saturday where the eight teams from eight different leagues competed in two separate brackets for Sunday's match-ups. The brackets were defined as "Western Skies" and "Eastern Skies".

The teams were matched up on Sunday across the two brackets and according to their standings after Saturday's qualification rounds. Quarterfinals and Semifinals with two rounds each eliminated the teams until the remaining two teams competed for the NSL Championship 1999. The whole event was featured in a 30-minute TV show on the Sunshine Network.

NSL Championship 2000 TV production with commentator Dawn English
The NSL introduced the new system with "Western Skies" and "Eastern Skies" as a test run to the 13 leagues of the NSL 2000 season with the first official NSL Playoffs within these two divisions. The first official NSL Playoffs of the "Eastern Skies" was hosted by the Atlanta Skydiving Center in Cedartown and was a great success, while the "Western Skies" did not hold its playoff event. The NSL Championship 2000 in DeLand was a copy of the 1999 format, and the Sunshine Network once again aired a new 30-minute show.

The third level of the NSL structure was fully integrated in 2001. Alan Metni's and Airspeed's "Americas Cup" became a part of the National Skydiving League that year and turned out to be the NSL Playoffs at six different locations in the USA. The NSL Championship 2001 was hosted by Fantasy of Flight for the first time, and SkyQuest was born.

DeLand Genesis/PD Blue at the NSL Playoffs 2001 in Georgia
The NSL competition season has consisted of the regular league season, the playoffs and the championship ever since. The NSL Playoffs were held at five to six selected locations in 2001, 2002 and 2003 and continued to be the official qualification event for the NSL Championship. Guest teams have always been welcome and competed at Fantasy of Flight, however, NSL trophies, medals and prizes at the NSL Championship were only given to teams that qualified at the NSL Playoffs before.

The additional travel efforts, necessary to make it to the playoffs after the end of the regular league season, made it difficult for many teams to become eligible for the NSL Championship. Thus, the National Skydiving League tried to make it easier for the teams by adding locations that could be hosts for the NSL Playoff events in 2004. Each league had now the opportunity to include the NSL Playoffs in the regional league schedule.

DeLand Majik at the NSL Playoffs 2003 in Lake Wales
The NSL has followed the same concept for the 2005 season. There are 11 different locations in the USA for the NSL Playoffs 2005 where teams can compete this upcoming weekend and qualify officially for NSL awards at the NSL Championship 2005. These event locations are listed on the front page and at the Schedule of Events.

The qualification rules for the NSL Championship are posted at the rules section of the NSL website, and they are not not very difficult to be fulfilled. Teams are required to attend two meets of the regular season at any league events in the country and then compete at the NSL Playoffs 2005. There are currently 27 teams in the AAA Class, 36 teams in the AA Class, 12 teams in the A Class and 10 teams in the Rookie Class that have attended at least two meets of the regular season.

SkyQuest 2005
These 85 teams can qualify for the NSL Championship awards at SkyQuest 2005 by attending the NSL Playoffs this weekend. All other teams can still be guest teams at Fantasy of Flight.

The award level is already going up for the playoffs this weekend. SkyVenture Orlando continues to support the most improved NSL teams by providing free tunnel time for the winners after handicap. The meets of the regular season have 30-minute and 10-minute certificates waiting for the winners of each NSL competition class, depending on the number of participating teams. The NSL SkyVenture Orlando Competition for the upcoming playoffs weekend offers 60 minutes for the winner, 30 minutes for the second place and 10 minutes of free Orlando tunnel time for the third place.

NSL SkyVenture Orlando Competition
The awards get even much better at the NSL Championship 2005 in November. SkyVenture Orlando copies the playoffs deal and offers the same tunnel time at SkyQuest 2005 for the most improved NSL teams. However, the latest and biggest SkyQuest 2005 news means cash for the winning teams. Jump Institute confirmed a $5,000 contribution into the jackpot of prize money in November.
Jump Institute
This generous support makes the NSL Championship 2005 a serious money meet. The jackpot will be shared between all NSL competition classes. The dollar amount for each class will be in proportion to the number of eligible teams per class.

SkyQuest 2005 promises more than only the greatest awards in NSL history. The event at Fantasy of Flight has already become very popular with its diversified and entertaining format at a prime location. Even USA Today covered SkyQuest 2001 on the front page of the sports section.

Fantasy of Flight, host of SkyQuest 2005 and the NSL Championship
The SkyQuest management currently works on bringing the event back to the public as in 1999 and 2000, as well. Local sports management and tourist agencies plan a new TV production for SkyQuest 2005. There are also plans to increase the number of spectators significantly with a new Public Relations campaign.

The combination of the traditional SkyQuest format with serious competition (NSL Championship, Fantasy Swoop) and high quality larger formations (Kaleidoscope Dives with BJ Worth, Team Elite with Guy Wright), the new Jump Institute Money Meet, media participation and crowds of spectators will probably move SkyQuest 2005 up to a new level of event standards.

However, first of all, the NSL Playoffs 2005 are on the agenda this weekend.

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