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Did You Know...

... that the three lineups of the Danish 4-way project are complete?

2010 project team Bodyflight Visionwith Martin Søeby Mikkelsen
posted Oct 30th, 2010 - The NSL News story on 12 October 2010 reported that Denmark's national 4-way team Bodyflight Voluntas continues with a new lineup in 2011. The same story provided additional information of Denmark's team project, including the new lineup of the B-Team.

The information was not complete at that time, as the video slots for the B-Team and the C-Team were still open, and the lineup of the C-Team was not finalized at all. The names of the two other project teams were also still missing.

Project speaker and Voluntas Tail Flemming Borup Andersen now followed up with the missing information. The new three national lineups are complete, and the actual training plans are in the works.

NJFK Rookies with new project member Mette Høgaard Kristensen
The B-Team will be training and competing under the new team name Bodyflight Atlas. The team members are the same as they were introduced earlier (Kathrine Pontoppidan, Martin Halfer, Thomas See, Ulrik Høgberg).

Mette Høgaard Kristensen is the new videographer for Bodyflight Atlas. She was a member of the Danish A Class team NJFK Rookies this year and joins the Danish 4-way team project for the first time.

Denmark's C-Team has a new name, as well. Bodyflight Factum completes the three project teams. Members are Anne Mine Møller Petersen, John Behrendt Petersen, Birgitte Sode Ficher, Henning Skov and Anders Krabbenhøft.

Danish Nationals 2010Round1Round2Round3Round4Round5Round6Round7Round8Round9Round10TotalAvg
RankAAA Class2,5,N14,M,412,10,22C,1,19G,16,13D,E,6,LK,11,1821,9,PH,20,37,O,J,ATotalAvg
1Bodyflight Voluntas17 17 13 17 16 25 14 21 16 23 17917.9
2Bodyflight Vision13 13 14 18 12 15 13 20 13513.5
3Bodyflight Altius13 10 10 12 11 17 12 17 13 19 13413.4
4Sequence10 11 13 12 17 11 12 13 21 12912.9
RankA Class2,NM,4P,A,LC,19G,8D,E,6K,J,B21,9H,F,Q7,OTotalAvg
1KrølleBølle11 11 818.1
2VAF Pentagon10 797.9
3Chute ME676.7
5News10 505.0
6NJFK Rookies454.5
7Luftens Helte262.6
VAF Pentagon with new project member Mine Petersen
Mine Petersen is the Point. She trained and competed with A Class team VAF Pentagon and then moved up into the AAA Class competition with airRAID Reloaded (13.5) this year. She is also a first time member of the Danish 4-way project.

Birgitte Sode Ficher is the Center Inside for Factum. She is a former member of team Sequence. Tail Henning Skov and Center Outside John Behrendt Petersen were both project members last year, John Behrendt Petersen with Bodyflight Altius, Henning Skov with Bodyflight Vision.

The C-Team's videographer is Anders Krabbenhøft who competed for the Danish A Class team Contrails at all three meets of the 2010 season. He is also a new member of the Danish 4-way project.

Joined the battle with the project teams this year: Sequence
The three national project teams have traditionally taken the top three positions on the Danish leaderboards of the past years. The national team is usually the strongest team in the country, even though there were a few exceptions in Denmark when the DaneZ, a former national lineup, won national championships without much training.

Norway had the same situation a few times when the DeLand Norgies came back for their annual reunions and won the national championships. The DaneZ stole the title last time in 2009 but did not challenge Bodyflight Voluntas this year.

The competition between the B-Team and the C-Team can be tight and was exciting this year. Altius and Vision challenged each other throughout the whole 2010 season. Former project team Sequence joined this battle at the last two meets. The new lineups are now finalizing their plans for the 2011 season. First meet is the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2011.

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