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Did You Know...

... that SDC Rhythm XP attended seven meets this year?

New Arizona Airspeed lineup
posted Dec 15th, 2010 - The NSL News story on 1 December 2010 completed the NSL-TV coverage of the race for bronze medals at the USPA Nationals 2010 between the Golden Knights, Paraclete XP4 and SDC Rhythm XP.

Earlier stories after the USPA Nationals had first broken the news of Arizona Airspeed's new lineup and then Perris Fury's new member Todd Hawkins. This year's USPA gold and silver medalists both would not continue with the same lineups and had their first personnel changes, Airspeed since 2007 and Fury since the team was formed in 2005.

It was somehow coincidence that the NSL News packaged the videos of the three teams together, which would continue without any personnel changes for the 2011 season. It made sense to feature the competition for the USPA bronze medals. However, there was no indication that the same three teams would also share the same continuity.

USPA Nationals 2010Round1Round2Round3Round4Round5Round6Round7Round8Round9Round10TotalAvg
Rank4-way Open16,21,113,L,K,106,22,112,20,4Q,M,2,NH,D,9,G19,5,13F,E,17,OC,8,7A,18,14TotalAvg
3Golden Knights Gold17 21 17 15 27 32 18 33 22 18 22022.0
4Paraclete XP418 20 15 15 26 28 20 29 22 19 21221.2
5SDC Rhythm XP17 19 16 15 23 30 19 32 20 14 20520.5
No personnel changes: SDC Rhythm XP 2010 lineup
Paraclete XP4 has actually a few internal slot switchers, as the NSL News reported earlier.

John Eagle, former Tail, and John D'Annunzio, this year's Point, both switch their slots vice versa, just as Kirk Verner and Andy Honigbaum do in the center.

This move keeps the XP4 pieces intact, while exits and block techniques change significantly.

That's not a big deal for John Eagle who has spent most of his competition career in the Point slot. The other three XP4 members have to get familiar with the new slots, and their professional coaching jobs have prepared them well for these changes.

The Golden Knights and SDC Rhythm XP have no changes at all. The US Army team still has priority on the 8-way event, even though there will be more time for training and competition in 4-way than before. Rhythm has no changes at all and can focus only on 4-way.

Focus on team progression
The Rhythm members are all excited about the upcoming new season. They feel a great advantage of beginning on such a high performance level and not having to introduce a new team member. They are now also more familiar with the life of a full time skydiver and competitor and can focus even more on the team progression.

The first full time season was extremely busy in many ways. SDC Rhythm XP was in fact the US AAA Class top team with the most attended meets. Rhythm competed seven times this year, including the World Challenge 2010 indoor meet.

The Rhythm members also organized tunnel camps and outdoor training for the team's following, which is growing consistently. The new Team-For-A-Day project in Florida is the latest Rhythm effort that provides coaching and guidance for the Formation Skydiving community, especially on the grassroot level. The NSL News has invited Rhythm members to lay out the team plans at a new NSL Talk session, which will be featured very soon.

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