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Did You Know...

... that NMP-PCH Hayabusa videos show Dennis Praet in Dubai outdoor action?

32.9 average at the first indoor meet with Point Dennis Praet
posted Jan 8th, 2011 - It's time to catch up with videos of the leader after Round 2, NMP-PCH Hayabusa. The NSL News has introduced the new lineup with young Point Dennis Praet with earlier stories.

The story on 2 December 2010 had covered the first indoor competition with the new lineup at the ISR Grand Prix 2010 where Hayabusa finished with a 32.9 average after seven rounds.

The same story included a video of one indoor round with new team member Dennis Praet. It was the first time that the audience could see how he was flying his slot after a few months of training as a full member. It was impressive. The NSL News now follows up with videos of the first two rounds in Dubai.

Hayabusa over the Dubai desert
image by: Danny Jacobs
Roy Janssen, Andy and David Grauwels call him Dennis "Bambi" Praet. He is indeed only 21 years of age and by far the youngest, even though the other team members are also relatively young (26 - 30 - 32) compared to the average ages of other top teams, except Canada's national team Evolution.

Dennis "Bambi" Praet started skydiving in 2005 and had a total of approx. 1,000 jumps when he became a full Hayabusa member.

The two videos show Hayabusa's new Point in outdoor action for the first time. The Belgian team is in 1st place after Round 2, which says it all. The integration of the new member was easier this time, as the three original members could continue in their slots of 2009 and 2010. The first results show how much easier it was.

New home for Eliana Rodriguez and Craig Girard
The first outdoor meet with Dennis Praet also brings the first high-level pressure for the team, maybe earlier than expected. Hayabusa is the 1-point leader after two rounds, and the reigning 4-way world champions from France and the previous Arizona Airspeed world champions of 2008 are trying to win the Dubai Championship 2011 and the $20,000 for the 1st place.

At least the new French Aerodyne Aerokart lineup with Emmanuel "Manu" Sarrazin wants to show that the team is still the 4-way leader in the world. The Arizona Airspeed lineup in Dubai will make room for Mark Kirkby's new team. However, it is surely not only the $20,000 jackpot that will still bring out the best of Airspeed.

By the way, Eliana Rodriguez and Craig Girard are enjoying their new home for the near future: "We're enjoying the jumps and the meet! It's really beautiful out here, the view is nice. The weather and temperature is perfect! Good food, good hotel, it's really a great meet. Last night they had the most amazing opening ceremonies with a huge stage and people dancing with fire. Girls doing artistic acrobatics. Night time airshow. And loads of fireworks. Lots of cool stuff to see, they really put on a good show! I think everyone is having a great time."

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