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Did You Know...

... that Round 3 was the only penalty round for the top teams so far?

Reports for Hayabusa: Andy Grauwels
posted Jan 9th, 2011 - The scores for Round 5 on the NSL leaderboard are unofficial, of course, until they are posted on the event pages of the International Parachuting Commission (IPC). The unofficial Dubai information comes from participants on site, like the Airspeed and Hayabusa members who also service their own Facebook pages with short notes.

NMP-PCH Hayabusa's 20-pointer and the other scores for Round 5 were reported by Arizona Airspeed, and the 20-pointer seems to be in question. Hayabusa's Andy Grauwels had a different take on Round 5:

"Round 5 was a very clean jump, where we tried something new which required good discipline from the whole team. We did a great job and scored a 19 with the 20 just out of time. France scored 18."

Dropzone in Dubai on Sunday morning
Airspeed had reported this earlier: "We have a few scores earlier than normal. Airspeed 19, Belgium 20, France 18. Belgium had a great jump, they closed the monopod right on the time line whereas we were just keying the break when time ran out."

The official scores will clarify hopefully soon. The teams are done with Round 6, but the scores for Round 5 have not been posted yet.

Hayabusa's video of Round 3 shows where the Belgian team lost two points. Airspeed lost two points in the same round, and the video of the jump was posted in yesterday's story. Those two penalties for each of the two teams were the only ones for the three teams in the top spots so far. Aerodyne Aerokart is completely clean.

Video and penalty trouble in Dubai: Connatural
A "penalty competition" is taking place between the two German teams who are also ranked right next to each other. The Tillenburg family with Connatural has lost a total of 13 points in the first four rounds, and Black Moon's four points seem to be nothing compared to the Connatural damage.

All of the Connatural penalties have the same explanations: "video angle, grip visibility". The German team changed the videographer after two rounds, which has not improved the situation much so far. The damage continued the same way.

The Tillenburg family takes it easy, as Tail Daniela Tillenburg reported: "We are the lucky losers - main thing is that we have fun." They better - the team's videographer is father Harald Tillenburg...

Dubai Championship 2011Round1Round2Round3Round4Round5Round6Round7Round8TotalAvg
Rank4-way OpenP,17,18M,N,F,3H,A,6,BQ,1,C,144,10,1516,O,J,22K,2,E,11G,9,8TotalAvg
13Germany Black Moon8(-1)8 11(-2)8(-1)----358.8
14Germany Connatural5(-3)10(-3)9(-4)6(-3)----307.5

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