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Did You Know...

... that NMP-PCH Hayabusa's 3 - 0 record beats Arizona Airspeed's 2 - 0 record?

Aerokart Indoor Championship 2011
image by: Aerokart
posted Mar 3rd, 2011 - NMP-PCH Hayabusa, the Belgian national 4-way team, winner of the Dubai Championship 2011, seems to be ready for the Shamrock Showdown 2011.

Hayabusa added the second victory to the new lineup's meet record last weekend at the Aerokart Indoor Championship 2011 and tied Arizona Airspeed's 2 - 0 streak. In fact, Hayabusa and Airspeed have exactly the same record at the moment. Both teams won one outdoor and one indoor competition each.

Hayabusa won in Dubai and in Paris, while Airspeed took the first places at the Valentine's Meet 2011 and the Paraclete XP Indoor Skydiving Championships 2011. One of the two streaks will end at the Shamrock Showdown...

NMP-PCH Hayabusa also won the ISR Grand Prix 2010 indoor championship in Roosendaal in November 2010 and has a 3 - 0 winning record, two indoor 1st places and one outdoor 1st place.

Aerokart Indoor 2011Round1Round2Round3Round4Round5Round6Round7Round8Round9Round10TotalAvg
ROpen ClassG,H,11,CL,17,E,20D,22,J,1016,19,OK,M,2,18B,15,9N,4,3Q,P,8,125,F,A,614,7,21TotalAvg
1NMP-PCH Hayabusa36 30 24 28 29 37 29 27 35 23 29829.8
2Maubeuge NPC Aerokart33 27 23 26 27 34 25 24 32 24 27527.5
3Aerodyne DB Defenders28 26 23 23 24 28 22 23 28 23 24824.8
4Maubeuge NPC B221 20 17 20 17 24 18 20 24 20 20120.1
5Maubeuge NPC B121 18 17 19 18 23 20 21 24 19 20020.0
Ready for a new tunnel round: NMP-PCH Hayabusa
image by: Aerokart
The new French national lineup placed 2nd at two of the same meets, in Dubai and in Eloy. Aerodyne Aerokart did not compete last weekend in Paris. The French national team has only competed outdoors so far and may prepare to win the first meet in DeLand in little over two weeks.

Hayabusa won two times at Aerokart last weekend. The host of the tunnel competition also organizes the traditional Go-Kart race at the same time. French 8-way world champion of 2006, 2008 and 2010, Clément Martin-Saint-Leon, won the Go-Kart race two years ago. Last weekend, Hayabusa's Andy Grauwels won the race and the prize for the 1st place.

Clément Martin-Saint-Leon placed 2nd in the 4-way competition with a new lineup. He is now in charge of the B-Team that was guided by Emmanuel "Manu" Sarrazin in the past years. Manu Sarrazin is now competing with the French national 4-way team, while Clément Martin-Saint-Leon keeps the second half of the 8-way team in good shape in the meantime. Florian Denonfoux is not a member of the 8-way team. He trained and competed with B-Team Aerokart Amada in 2009 and now continues with Maubeuge NPC Aerokart.

Clément Martin-Saint-Leon and Manu Sarrazin with Aerokart PCs in 2010
Clément Martin-Saint-Leon explained that new national coach Jeremie Rollett decided to completely re-build the top B-Team when Manu Sarrazin was selected for the national 4-way team. Julien Olek continued with his 4-way and 8-way team mate of 2010, Clément Martin-Saint-Leon, who then added 8-way world champion Thomas Perrin and Florian Denonfoux to the lineup.

All team members have new slots, and Maubeuge NPC Aerokart started from a very low level. However, the 27.5 average is a very promising result at the first meet. Clément Martin-Saint-Leon said that his team will also compete at the World Challenge 2011 and at the World Cup in Germany. He plans to be very competitive with his 4-way lineup when the 8-way team is not training or competing.

The teams in 4th and 5th place are the new B-Team lineups for the next two years. They are young and talented French competitors who will train to become the next generation of French world champions. National coach Jeremie Rollett has selected the lineups and will supervise the progression.

Deep Blue Defenders at Aerokart
image by: Aerokart
The NSL News mentioned the Deep Blue Defenders a few times during the coverage of the Valentine's Meet.

The new French lineup in the female 4-way category did not compete in Eloy and now attended the team's first competition at Aerokart. That's the place where former team member and world champion of 2010, Françoise Simons-Hamouchi, has been working. She left the team to have her second baby this year.

The Deep Blue Defenders placed 3rd with an impressive 24.8 average. The training in Eloy must have been very successful, as the results show. The two new members, Laurence Hervé (Point) and Perrine Sanchez (Center Inside), started with the team when they had a total of 800 (Laurence Hervé) and 460 (Perrine Sanchez) jumps. The French team will post the first outdoor scores at the Shamrock Showdown.

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