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Did You Know...

... that Round 8 was the cleanest one for the Top 10 teams at the World Challenge 2011?

Biggest loss in Round 3: NPC Aerokart Maubeuge
posted Apr 19th, 2011 - Back to the World Challenge 2011 where it is time for the Top 10 videos of Round 8.

The adjusted leaderboard with the marks and numbers for the point deductions is the same as it was after Round 7. This is not a mistake, the Top 10 teams did not have any infringements marked on their score sheets. It was the cleanest round of the meet so far.

Once again, it did not change much in the Top 10 rankings. NMP-PCH Hayabusa and Arizona Airspeed neutralized each other. Aerodyne Aerokart Maubeuge secured the 3rd place, and SportsLotto got a little bit closer to SDC Rhythm XP, while NPC Aerokart Maubeuge caught up with Satori round by round. The French 8-way experts had probably suffered the biggest loss of all top teams in Round 3 and tried hard to work their way further up the leaderboard. It was a tough uphill battle.

World Challenge 2011Round1Round2Round3Round4Round5Round6Round7Round8Round9Round10TotalAvg
R.AAA Class10,C,520,P,2H,M,Q,K,AL,J,16,12E,7,15O,11,2214,B,176,13,94,3,211,G,8TotalAvg
1NMP-PCH Hayabusa27 25(-1)65 29 33 23(-1)28 28 22 25 30530.5
2Arizona Airspeed26 24(-2)60(-2)27 34 24(-1)27(-1)28 23 25 29829.8
3Aerodyne Aerokart Maubeuge26 25 52 27 31(-1)25 29 27 24 24 29029.0
4XL25 24 58 24 32 24 26 25 21 23 28228.2
5SDC Rhythm XP22 23 56 23 27(-2)20(-1)24 21 19 22 25725.7
6SportsLotto21(-2)23(-1)49(-3)23 29 20 25(-1)23 21 21 25525.5
7NPC Aerokart Maubeuge24 20(-1)41(-4)22 26(-1)21 26 22 21 20 24324.3
8Satori19 19(-1)57 2125 19(-1)24 21 17 20 24224.2
9Aerodyne DB Defenders21(-1)21 44(-1)20(-1)27 19(-1)25 21 19 19 23623.6
10Thunder13(-4)20(-1)41(-2)23 27 20 23(-1)21 19 17 22422.4
Different French technique for Block 6: Aerodyne Deep Blue Defenders
The new Block 13 came with the sequence of Round 8, and all Top 10 teams agreed on the technique this time. A few teams had applied a forward rotation at the Paraclete XP Indoor Skydiving Championships 2011, including SDC Rhythm XP. However, the backward rotation has won the tests and experiments after the recent dive pool changes with the introduction of a new Block 13.

Only the two French Open Class teams applied a different technique for Block 6 (Stardian - Stardian) where the rear piece moves over the front piece. All other teams had it the opposite way, including the French female lineup, Aerodyne Deep Blue Defenders. The French delegation was split this time, and coach Marin Ferre will have a reason why the reigning female world champions have their own technique.

Hayabusa often applies the French engineering and techniques, not in this case though. Hayabusa's rear piece went under the front piece, together with the other seven Top 10 teams.

US engineering headquarters at Bodyflight Bedford
The engineering was still different between the French teams, Hayabusa and the six other Top 10 teams. All three French teams and Hayabusa decided to let the Tail sit after Block 13 and become the point of the 2-way Cat for Block 9. This changed the transition from the end of Block 9 to the first Stardian of Block 6, as well.

The other six teams preferred to use the A-slots for Block 9, which changed the moves for the rear piece partners to the top of Block 9 and to the top of Block 6.

The scores don't indicate that any of those differences in block techniques and engineering made any significant difference. The first of two consecutive 3-block sequences went by without much turmoil.

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