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Did You Know...

... that Airfix Fehrbellin won the first 4-way meet this year in Germany?

Itzehoe home team at the North Cup Meet 1
posted Jun 1st, 2011 - A recent update from Germany connects different events and teams with each other. The first part of the North Cup took place in Itzehoe at the YUU Skydiving Center last weekend. TAKE OFF in Fehrbellin will host the second event in September.

Airfix Fehrbellin opened up this year's North Cup series with a victory away from home. Wolfpack had won the meet in Itzehoe last year by one single point over Airfix and now lost by four points last weekend. Airfix has good chances to win both North Cup meets this year with the second meet on home turf in September.

Black Moon finished once again in 3rd place, as the team did at both meets in 2010 (Dieter Bibo, Achim Bledau, Antje Prochnow, Uwe Rossmann, Raimund Wiczniewski). Black Moon was also the only team that attended its second meet this year. It was the 2011 season opener for all other teams at the North Cup in Itzehoe.

Nord Cup Germany 2011 - Meet 1Round1Round2Round3Round4Round5TotalAvg
RankAAA Class22,13,6Q,F,20,5A,21,121,N,C,17H,P,B,E,11TotalAvg
1Airfix Fehrbellin11 11 15 5511.0
2Wolfpack10 10 14 5110.2
3Black Moon10 14 489.6
4Milky Way367.2
5Drachenfeuer11 357.0
6Miller Team183.6
RankA ClassJ,F,K,QM,G,L,HP,197,B6,ETotalAvg
Continues in 2011: Connatural
Black Moon had made a long trip in January to compete at the Dubai Championship 2011. Nina Engel (Point), Achim Bledau (Center Outside), Angie Rau (Center Inside), Uwe Rossmann (Tail) and Mike Bryza (Camera) were in Black Moon's Dubai lineup and battled it out with another German team, Connatural, for the 13th place of 20 teams.

Black Moon won by four points over the German rivals with a 9.1 average in Dubai and now followed up with a 9.6 average last weekend. Connatural did not compete at the North Cup meet in Itzehoe.

However, the Tillenburg family team informed the NSL News earlier this year that they will continue with Connatural. Janine, Sascha and Daniela Tillenburg, with father Harald on camera, plus Dennis Gottschalk, trained with coach Pete Allum in April and focus on the German Nationals 2011. They may also attend other international events this year.

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