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Did You Know...

... that NSL-TV features the slowest sequences of the top teams in 4way history?

New 21-pointer scoring level at the World Cup 2011: Aerodyne Aerokart
posted Oct 25th, 2011 - NSL-TV has uploaded a special treat for the 4way fans after digging deep in the archives. Videos of world record sequences in the past have made it to the NSL-TV channel on YouTube, and several NSL News stories have covered indirectly the slowest sequences of any meets.

Those slow sequences usually decide whether the top teams can get to the 20-pointer level for all rounds of a meet, to only 21-pointers and higher, or even to 22-pointers, as Aerodyne Aerokart did it recently for the first time at the World Cup 2011.

The NSL News took a closer look at the record meets, compared the sequences with each other and uploaded as many videos of the slow rounds as were available in the archives. One result of the research is the fact that the ultimately slowest sequence in the dive pool has not been seen yet.

The 20-pointer story began at the Malevsky Cup 2002 where DeLand Majik succeeded with scoring only 20-pointers and higher in a 10-round meet for the first time in history. The NSL-TV video includes two of the slow rounds which were both 3-block sequences (Rd.3: 6,7,2 - 21 points and Rd. 5: 1,12,9 - 20 points). Airspeed Vertical missed the same achievement by one point in Round 5 and due to a penalty in Round 9.

MalevskyMemorial 2002
1DeLand Majik2125212320222921242523123.1
2Arizona Airspeed232222241923262219 (-2)21 (-4)22122.1
It took several years until the next team arrived at the same level, and then two teams did it at the same time, once again in Russia at the Malevsky Cup 2007. In fact, the new Airspeed Odyssey lineup brought the level up to 21-pointers at this event, while Team Fastrax joined DeLand Majik in the 20-pointer club. Airspeed had to master one 3-point sequence (Rd. 3: 5,10,21 - 21 points) on the way to the new record level.

Malevsky Cup 2007Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA Class7 M 9E Q D J K5 10 21N O 19 20B 17 18P 3 G 42 22 AC 6 814 F 161 13 HTotalAvg
1 Airspeed Odyssey 35 41 21 25 25 24 21 23 23 2226026.0
2Fastrax 31 43 20 21 24 22 21 23 21 2124724.7
The World Cup 2007 took place at the same location a few weeks later. Airspeed did not attend the second meet in Russia. Neither Hayabusa Defense nor France Maubeuge were able to join the club of 20-pointers or even 21-pointers. Their combined scores for the slow rounds would have made it, even in the two rounds with 3-block sequences. It wasn't good enough for each team alone.

World Cup 2007Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA Class8 4 9P 7 1314 F 121 3 6K N 2 5L G 20 22E 19 1711 B J 15M 16 O D12 C Q 10TotalAvg
1HayaBusa Defence 19 27 21 20 24 21 24 25 30 1925222.9
2France Maubeuge 21 26 21 19 23 21 24 25 30 2025122.8
3Sky Panthers 23 23 22 19 25 18 21 24 32 2222922.9
Airspeed Odyssey and Team Fastrax then both showed Hayabusa and France once again a few monthes later how to do it at the USPA Nationals 2007. Two 3-block sequences (Rd. 6: 19,16,5 and Rd. 9: 7,22,15) were no obstacles for the US teams. Airspeed scored only 21-pointers and higher, while Fastrax repeated the 20-point feast.

USPA Nationals 2007Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8Rd. 9Rd. 10TotalAvg
RankAAA Class11,6,K12,E,C,A18,17,F4,8,PM,20,D,919,16,5B,3,O,G13,H,27,22,15N,21,L,JTotalAvg
1Airspeed Odyssey 23 26 26 23 32 24 28 23 21 2725325.3
2Fastrax 22 26 26 22 29 21 27 24 20 2724424.4
Next, the two 3-block sequences in Round 4 (18,12,2) and Round 8 (14,20,21) at the World Meet 2008 in Maubeuge were too hard for all teams, including the new 4way world champions from Arizona and the new French 4way lineup on home turf. None of the top teams came even close, and the right-hand door of the Pilatus Porter surely did not make it easier to post high scores.

World Meet 2008Rd. 1Rd. 2Rd. 3Rd. 4Rd. 5Rd. 6Rd. 7Rd. 8TotalAvg
RankAAA ClassB,17,7H,N,13,A10,J,C,618,12,2E,3,919,O,4D,M,5,1614,20,21TotalAvg
1 Airspeed Odyssey 30 32 24 16 29 21 28 1519524.4
2Maubeuge 28 30 23 17 27 23 28 1819424.3
3 HayaBusa Defence 27 33 23 17 27 22 25 1719123.9
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Back to the 21-pointer level at the Valentine's Meet 2011: Arizona Airspeed
The story of the slowest sequences and the highest meet levels will continue with the 2009 season tomorrow. Round 8 at the World Meet 2008 (14,20,21) was probably and arguably the most challenging sequence so far.

Four current top competitors have seen those sequences in 2008. Mathieu Bernier, Guillaume Bernier and Julien Degen competed for France, while Mark Kirkby won his last gold medal with Airspeed in 2008.

Mark Kirkby was also one level higher than his new team mates Thomas Hughes and Niklas Hemlin throughout the 2007 season. Airspeed Odyssey was the only 21-pointer team at this point in time, while Team Fastrax was on the 20-pointer level. The new Airspeed 2011 lineup came back to the 21-pointer level at the Valentine's Meet 2011, which will be a part of the next NSL News story.

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