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Did You Know...

... that NSL-TV features Aerodyne Aerokart vs. NMP-PCH Hayabusa?

posted Dec 12th, 2011 - NMP-PCH Hayabusa's team videographer Danny Jacobs has also uploaded his competition videos of the 3rd Dubai Championship 2011 now, and they are available for reviews.

It offers the opportunity to compare Aerodyne Aerokart, winner in Dubai, and the Belgian national team directly, and NSL-TV begins with Round 1 and Round 2. The extended leaderboard shows the point deductions per round, and the even more interested visitors can also find the spots of the infringements on the InTime score sheets.

3rd Dubai Championship 2011Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6Round 7Round 8TotalAvg
Rank4way OpenL,C,P,20K,M,6,15G,19,H,112,10,E13,9,5O,7,3B,21,164,1,22TotalAvg
1France Aerodyne Aerokart 33 (-1) 26 (-2) 26 20 (-1)2527282020525.6
2Belgium NMP-PCH Hayabusa 32 (-1) 23 (-1) 25 (-1) 22 (-1)25272518 (-1)19724.6
Aerodyne Aerokart and NMP-PCH Hayabusa started out with the same pace, and it was a fast one. Hayabusa was unlucky with the penalty, as the judges did not accept the completion of Block 20 on the 5th page. The correction of the missed grip came so quickly that it was difficult to see it. The Belgians might have received the same scoring point at the USPA Nationals 2011 where the judges could watch the videos with slower viewing speed.

The way how the French team handled the penalty situation in Round 1 clearly shows the current strategy of 4way teams how to deal with with the current set of judging rules. They moved on as if nothing had happened, as all teams simply ignore any flaws during the performance. There is no need to waste time for corrections, as there are no additional point deductions. The judges saw the incomplete Adder in this case.

Aerodyne Aerokart pulled away from NMP-PCH Hayabusa in Round 2 with an increased pace. The French team had one more deduction than Hayabusa and was still three points ahead only in this round. Both teams had centerpoint issues with Block 6 (Stardian - Stardian), each team once, and the videos confirm the deductions.

France lost an additional point with an incomplete Cat at the end of Block 15 on the 2nd page. Once again, the currently best team in the world showed clearly how to deal with such a situation: move on and don't look back. A super slow motion review might even find a frame where the second Cat was complete, but the bare eye has no chance to catch it.

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