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Deland FL 32724
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Fastrax finished the 6-round meet in February with a 20.2 average and posted a 20.6 average after the 10-round meet in DeLand. The first meet in Eloy was a test for the new line-up and served mostly to determine the starting position at the beginning of the 2006 season, after the approx. 150 first training jumps.
The competition in Eloy gave Fastrax the first experiences, which were needed to evaluate the team performance and then create a training plan for the next phase. Fastrax completed only a few training jumps between the Valentine's Meet and the Shamrock Showdown and has only worked on technical development of the team skills and a continuity plan so far.
Pete Allum had talked to the Fastrax members before the meet. They said that the training was focused on techniques, there has not been any speed training until this point. Gary Smith watched some of the Fastrax competition jumps while the videos were dubbed during the meet and some additional ones on NSL-TV.
The DeLand Fire member explained that it was important for Fastrax to clean up the block techniques first of all: "They come from three different backgrounds, and they need to consolidate and come up with a plan on one technique. And that's where they are right now."
Gary Smith did not expect Fastrax to come up with more than what they showed at the Shamrock Showdown: "I don't think they have done enough jumps where we could expect them to flow through stuff. I think, from watching it, they look a little bit stuck in some of their random work. But I think that's the phase that they are in."
He believes that the team is on the right track in the long term: "They are doing the right thing. They need to come up with a technique, and technically they look very good, I think."
The earlier rounds had already confirmed that Fastrax delivered well defined and trained techniques. The next training phase will probably add the speed training. The NSL News will follow up with direct feedback from the Fastrax headquarters very soon. This will include information at which next competition the team will show the results of the next training phase.