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Did You Know...

... that Teiwaz Lake Wales won the Skins Game in round eight of the Shamrock Showdown?

posted Apr 7th, 2006 - The new NSL-TV show features round eight of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2006. This time, the video files of the top teams have to be uploaded at a later time. Only Team Fastrax can already be viewed with round eight.
Teiwaz Lake Wales' round eight at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2006 - see video
Teiwaz Lake Wales had the team's most successful round of the meet when looking at the Skins Game of the Shamrock Showdown. The same line-up that had competed at the NSL Championship of SkyQuest 2005, with Kris Byrne (Point), Robert Chromy (Tail), Kurt Gaebel (Center Inside), and Anton Kovalev (Center Outside), was already on track to a new Teiwaz 10-round record average.
Teiwaz Lake Wales
The 15.6 average at SkyQuest 2005 was the highest 10-round result in the seven years of Teiwaz history until November last year. The SkyQuest line-up had enjoyed the fun team atmosphere during the competition at Fantasy of Flight and was motivated to repeat the weekend affair.

However, it was pure coincidence that the same four Teiwaz members happened to be available on the Shamrock Showdown weekend once again. Kris Byrne did not train with her own team that weekend. She trains and competes with Team Select, former Fastrax Select, which will represent the USA at this year's World Meet in Germany.

Anton Kovalev used to train and compete with the Russian Team Synairgy. He has recently spent a lot of time at SkyVenture Orlando. The construction of a new SkyVenture wind tunnel in Moscow, Russia, is almost completed, and Anton Kovalev trains in Orlando to become a tunnel instructor in Moscow.

Optic Nerve
It was the usual challenging situation for Teiwaz since full-time coach Robert Chromy was very busy working with several teams during the competition, and NSL President Kurt Gaebel had to take care of the meet management at the same time. However, the Teiwaz meet philosophy is quite casual, and the team still ended up with a new 15.7 record average after ten rounds.

The highest score in round eight after handicap was rewarded with two free team jumps for Teiwaz at Skydive DeLand, $100 cash from Florida Gourmet Foods and SkyVenture Orlando tunnel time.

There was an additional fun factor involved in this most recent Teiwaz appearance. Long-time rival Optic Nerve, with eye surgeon and NSL supporter Dr. Joel Shugar, was also present at the Shamrock Showdown, and both teams fought it out once again in DeLand. The NSL News will soon follow up with the whole story of probably the longest running 4-way rivalry in the history of NSL 4-way competition.

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