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Did You Know...

... that Brian Vande Krol directs the 2005 comeback of the Colorado Skydiving League?

Colorado Skydiving League founder Keith Walter
posted Feb 26th, 2005 - The Colorado Skydiving League is back in business. Keith Walter, a former Executive Officer of the Golden Knights, founded the league in 1999 and joined the National Skydiving League operation in 2000. He handed the CSL operation over to Samer Haija for the 2002 season.

Walter later moved to North Carolina, while Haija continued to run the league very successfully. In fact, the Carolina Skydiving League champion of 2002, Air Force Blue, was the strongest AA Class team of the 2002 season and won the NSL Championship of the same year after attending a total of four CSL meets and the NSL Playoffs 2002.

NSL AA Class Champion 2002, Air Force Blue
The Air Force teams continued to compete at the Colorado Skydiving League events in 2003 and defended the NSL Championship title of the AA Class at SkyQuest 2003. CSL Director Samer Haija had become very busy as a competitor at the same time and traveled frequently to the west coast to train and compete. Later he also joined team Nexus from Georgia.

Finally, Haija was not able any longer to run the Colorado Skydiving League and tried to find a successor for the 2004 season. It was too difficult to put things together in time, and the Colorado Skydiving League remained inactive last year.

Former CSL Director Samer Haija
It was great news for the Formation Skydiving competition community in Colorado when Brian Vande Krol noticed that there still seemed to be a lot of interest in the league operation. He contacted the NSL headquarters at the end of 2004, and preparations for the 2005 season began shortly afterwards.

Brian Vande Krol is a very experienced 4-way competitor. He competed with team High Performance in 2002 and joined Elsinore GT for the 2003 and 2004 season. EGT won USPA's Advanced Class silver medal in 2004 with a 13.0 average in Perris, two single points behind Elsinore Adrenaline in first place.

Elsinore GT 2003 with Brian Vande Krol (top right)
Vande Krol has now joined the Open Class team Arizona Directe with player coach Gary Beyer for the 2005 season. Last year's AZ Directe line-up finished with a 15.3 average at the USPA Championship. His new team and the Colorado Skydiving League business will surely keep him busy.

The new CSL Director has already completed and announced the plans for the CSL 2005 season. The schedule is posted at the CSL homepage, locations still have to be added to the dates. Here is Vande Krol's official plan for the Colorado Skydiving League 2005 season:

Greetings, Fellow Skydivers!

At long last, here is theColorado Skydiving League schedule for 2005! The League will consist of4-way formation skydiving competitions, including Scrambles, Rookie andAA Classes. 

First, the Scrambles:
The Scrambles meet is foranyone who can fly on their bellies well enough to be in a 4-way formationskydive! The participants will be divided into four experience levels,and team members will be randomly drawn from each experience group. Thereare usually quite a few highly experienced skydivers on each team. Thismakes a great opportunity for low-timers to do some fun, low pressure 4-waywith a strong group. Just show up and enjoy! There is no registration fee,and the cost of $90.00 covers threee jumps with video. Note to low-timers: Don’t be afraid to join this event. The stronger skydivers know what theyare getting themselves into! They are hoping to demonstrate to you justhow much fun RW can be! If you have questions about your qualifications,talk to Courtney or myself.

Now, the Rookie Class:
The Rookie class is an easy,fun way to learn more about 4-way. The skydives are three points per page,all randoms. This class is intended for low-experience jumpers to get theirfeet wet in competitive 4-way with a real team. There are no restrictionson experience level, so you can get a coach or a ringer on your team. Theteam registration fee is $45 per event, plus the cost of your jumps. Teamsare encouraged to supply their own videographer.

Finally, the AA Class:
The AA Class is not forpeople with a drinking problem. It is for more experienced skydivers whowant a greater challenge in their skydives. The dive pool is the same asthe Intermediate Class dive pool used at the USPA Nationals: 16 randomsand 16 blocks with no mirror image blocks, or memory blocks. Skydives are4 – 5 points per page. The team registration fee is $85 per event, plusthe cost of your jumps. Teams are encouraged to supply their own videographer.

Teams that want to pre-registerfor an event or for the whole season are encouraged to do so, and willbe rewarded with registration discounts, and hopefully (keep your fingerscrossed) discounts for training jumps.
Rookie Class registrationfor a single event is $40.00 
Rookie Class pre-registrationfor the whole season is $120.00 (savings of $60.00)
AA Class registration fora single event is $80.00
AA Class pre-registrationfor the whole season is $320.00 (savings of $105.00)

Training Discounts/Rebates:
Teams that register foran event will receive a rebate of $.50 per slot for training jumps madeby your registered team. The rebate will be paid by the CSL upon applicationto the CSL and verification by the dropzone of the team jumps made. Teamsthat pre-register for the whole season will receive a rebate of $1.00 perslot for training jumps made by your registered team. The rebate will bepaid by the CSL upon application to the CSL and verification by the dropzoneof the team jumps made. Rebates go into effect for jumps made after April30, and will end when CSL is out of money. The CSL will negotiate withthe dropzones for additional discounts for registered teams. Skydive theRockies has indicated their willingness to offer additional discounts,amounts yet to be determined.

Courtney Frasch and I, membersof Arizona Directe, will be available throughout the season to coach yourteam. Just contact us. In addition, free coaching will be available onmeet days by a pool of talented 4-way skydivers, including but not limitedto: Courtney Frasch, Samer Haija, Paul Gatling, and myself.

Finally, the CSL 2005 Schedule:

March 13Rookie Class/Scrambles Meet1Mile Hi Skydiving Center
May 7Rookie Class/Scrambles Meet2t.b.d.
May 8AA Class Meet 1t.b.d.
June 4AA Class Meet 2t.b.d.
July 10AA Class Meet 3t.b.d.
August 20Rookie Class/Scrambles Meet3 - NSL Playoffst.b.d.
August 21AA Class Meet 4 - NSL Playoffst.b.d.
September 17Rookie Class/Scrambles Championshipt.b.d.
October 1 - 2AA Class Championshipt.b.d.
The Rookie Class/Scrambles Meet1 on March 13 at Mile Hi Skydiving Center will include an organizationalmeeting following the meet for input and planning of future meets. Adultbeverages and food will be served! Locations will be determined based onthe pre-registration of teams, and the aircraft available. Registrationforms for the season and for the first event are available on request.

Put your teams together andstart training! It’s going to be a great season!

Blue Skies, Good Eyes,

Brian Vande Krol, ArizonaDirecte

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