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Did You Know...

... that the Genesis reunion had its peak in round nine of the Shamrock Showdown?

posted May 28th, 2004 - The NSL-TV presents a new round of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2004, which is now featured on the front page. The first round of the second Southwest Skydiving League meet in April can still be viewed with all links at the NSL-TV page. Only the featured teams on the front page have now been replaced by teams of the latest show. The coverage of the second meet of the Florida Skydiving League will soon be continued, as well.
DeLand Majik's round nine of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2003 - see video
DeLand Majik at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2004
The coverage of the Shamrock Showdown is almost completed. Round nine with a three-block sequence (19-10-11) was one of the two slowest rounds of the whole competition for DeLand Majik. Sinapsi PD had a lower score in only one other round. Slower rounds do not offer teams great chances to gain or lose a lot. However, Majik still increased the lead over Sinapsi by another point in this round.It is quite interesting to see once again that the DeLand team does not look much faster than the Italian team. Yet the distance between the two teams was significantly more than the difference of one point would indicate. Majik did not only score the 17th point in time (first Photon at 33.2 seconds), but was also half way through Block 11, which was completed at 36.4 seconds. Sinapsi just completed the 16th point within working time (Bunyip of Block 10 at 34.66 seconds) and did not even get close to completing the first Photon. However, result of this slow round was the fact that the difference was still only one single point for this round.
Genesis at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2004
The Genesis reunion celebration had its peak in this round. The former Georgia Tech alumni had obviously more than warmed up at this point of the meet. After eight rounds, Shannon Pilcher, David VanGreuningen, Kyle Collins, Ian Bobo and Eric Taylor (video) looked as if they had never stopped training and competing together.Genesis had stayed away far enough from Majik and Sinapsi throughout the first six rounds. Now they gave up all respect and began chasing two of the best teams in the world.They had already tied Sinapsi PD's scores in rounds seven and eight. The Italian national team now even had to accept Genesis' higher score for the first time in this meet. It was also the first highscore of a round for Genesis, together with DeLand Majik.Majik was still the best team in round nine and faster than Genesis with the completion of the 17th and last point within working time (33.2 seconds - 34.9 seconds). However, the scoreboard does not show these details. Genesis could enjoy the glory of a highscore and great respect for an outstanding performance at the 2004 reunion.
4Tunates' round nine at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2004
Round nine also features A Class team 4Tunates from the Netherlands. Genesis center outside, Shannon Pilcher, can be found in the tail position as the team's player coach in the same competition. The 4Tunates did not regret their participation at the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2004 at all. The Dutch team did not only enjoy the competition atmosphere and experience, they also took home great prizes ($100 cash by Performance Designs, one Neptune and team jackets by Alti-2, three free room nights at the Holiday Inn DeLand). The team video of round nine once again shows the creativity of the Dutch videographer in introducing the next round. Enjoy the show.
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