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Did You Know...

... that the story of round 7 in 4-way?

Sebastian XL working at the mockup
posted Sep 10th, 2003 - Round seven probably secured the Golden Knights' silver medal. The DeLand Norgies lost a point on the hill due to a non-judgeable formation and another two points after a penalty that was very difficult to detect. The judges needed very sharp eyes for this round since the pace of the top teams was very fast. While the Norgies might have lost all of their small chances for a silver medal, Italy's Sinapsi PD and U.K.'s Sebastian XL gained from Norway's bad luck and are back in touch with the third place. Sinapsi PD moved also one point closer to XL with great score of 22 points. These three teams are now separated by only three points. It is a race for the bronze medal.
Loaded boarding area cheering for the teams
France Maubeuge once again posted the highest score for this round. It even looked effortless after the eyes of the audience have become used to the French speed. The team is dominating the 4-way Open competition currently so clearly that there does not even seem to be a chance for another team to win a round. However, the Golden Knights went actually as fast as France once they got over the missed Ritz - Icepick catch on the hill. This missed completion was in the way to post the same score as France Maubeuge. It was still a great performance by the U.S. team that might have secured the silver medal position. But France is far away, and Golden Knight John Hoover acknowledged that the French team seems to be too far away: "They just have a flawless meet going high speed. It is very impressive."
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