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Did You Know...

... that the story of the opening rounds?

U.S. team Synchronicity

Round 1

posted Sep 7th, 2003 - No news on the 4-way Women's front. The teams got hit by penalties just as much as the 4-way Open teams yesterday. And, once again, the punishment was consistent. The three top teams each lost two points on the same issue - centerpoints crossing each other. The only difference was that the Women's teams had one day to make a plan after the Open teams were straightened out already yesterday. It shows how much this new policy hurts the teams. They trained the other techniques all year long and could not get it out of the system overnight. The good part: it shows how well the teams are trained. The bad part: it is frustrating and demotivating. Let's move on and forget about it.

Round 2

As in the 4-way Open Event, things settled in the Women's 4-way event as it was expected to be. The three favorite teams are now in the first three positions. The U.S. team Synchronicity still has some work to do to shake off the surprisingly sharp French female team. And looking up, it will be very challenging for Synchronicity to make up the lost points that put them behind Norway and Great Britain. All three top contenders had a good round. Yet the Norgies Girls and V-Max were a whole Diamond- Bunyip faster than the U.S. team. Norway had the highest score for the round since V-Max lost a point that was non-judgeable. Round three has started.
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