... that the NSL Shop currently offers the NSL Gloves for a special price?
IPC Anton Malevsky Memorial World Cup 2004posted Jun 1st, 2004 -
The NSL headquarters would like to take a few minutes to introduce some exciting projects that are in the works and soon to come before the NSL News coverage continues with the usual updates. The NSL News trip to Russia for the coverage of the IPC Anton Malevsky Memorial World Cup 2004 is on the June agenda and is not too far away. The next story with another pre-view of this great event is due in the next days. The NSL headquarters will launch the new website before.
Arizona Airspeed Mind Maps
Yes, local webmaster Craig Buxton and NSL President Kurt Gaebel have spent many hours to create a customized website design that will fulfill the specific needs for the NSL purposes. Craig Buxton is a former US 4-way champion and silver medalist at the World Championship of Formation Skydiving, experienced coach, NSL/FSL judge, and has produced several skydiving videos for Skydive University in the past. The Arizona Airspeed Mind Maps are also his brainchild. Buxton focused more and more on sophisticated computer and webmastering skills. After following the NSL business for a while, he finally mentioned to Gaebel that the NSL website seemed to be due for a tune-up.
New website design with easy navigation
Gaebel could not argue the fact that the NSL webmastering has come from the computer stone age and has not changed much over the years. Buxton offered his services and help to create an up-to-date design that will hold much more information, will be easier to navigate and offer more features. Buxton and Gaebel had hoped to launch the new website with the beginning of the 2004 season. However, there was much more work necessary to cover and update all the features that the NSL was already offering. The launch had to be delayed month by month.The work is now almost completed, and the NSL is in the final stage of getting things ready for the first visits. There is a very good chance that the new Skyleague.com website will be available for the public at the beginning of next week. The new design will also bring back the popular NSL Discussion Forum, which experienced a computer problem and was never re-installed after it needed to be removed last year. All the other current features will be continued, and the audience will be able to identify the most popular pages very easily.The NSL Shop will be re-designed, as well. The PayPal options for purchases can still be used for a while. However, some of the currently offered items (Majik DVD, NSL Gloves) can already be paid for in a much more convenient way, directly by credit card and without complicated and painful sign-up procedures.
NSL Gloves special sale in the NSL Shop
The NSL Shop uses this opportunity for a special sales offer to the valued NSL audience. The price for NSL Gloves, bestseller in the NSL Shop, has now been reduced to $25.00 per pair, plus $4.00 for shipping. Each team order of four or more pairs will even save the shipping costs. This is the best time to order all the gloves you and/or your team will need for this season. This offer is unique and beats any other one. Visit the NSL Shop for your order. There are still enough pairs in stock at the moment.The NSL headquarters will also introduce the NSL membership program this year. The preparations are promising enough for a 2004 launch. The NSL membership will offer attractive features and include free NSL items along with special offers for the members. More information will follow soon. New NSL-TV and a Malevsky Cup update will be next. Stay tuned, and get your NSL Gloves.