... that the Carolina Skydiving League has strong grass roots?
CaSL Director Randy Garmanposted Jun 20th, 2004 -
Skydive Carolina hosted the 3rd CaSL meet for 2004 the weekend of June 12, 2004. Danny Smith provided an outstanding facility and offered team rates Friday - Sunday. Randy Garman, CaSL Director extraordinaire, organized a terrific meet and kept it moving along as quickly as possible on a very high-volume skydiving day.Friday was crystal clear and provided great weather for practice jumps. Introductory Class team Insane in the Plane and AA Class team Carolina ICE were at the DZ making practice jumps. The day ended with a birthday celebration for ICE member Bruce Travis complete with a birthday cake and pie.
CaSL team Fox Force 4
Saturday started out beautifully as well. The meet had 12 teams. There were five Introductory Class teams and seven AA Class teams. Jan Lane and Jason McClure judged the meet as well as provided coaching for any teams wanting assistance. The draw had dives that were very fast, as well as others that were quite technical. Several teams had their best competition rounds ever on round two, a very fast round. Unfortunately, weather rolled in and the meet had to be deemed complete after 5 rounds.Insane in the Plane won the Introductory Class, Fox Force 4 the AA Class, and JFF and Critical Mass's combined score of 59 decisively beat the meet champions Carolina ICE individual score of 55. The highlight of the meet was Danny Smith introducing his girlfriend Annette (hubba hubba) to the competitors and local skydivers, and the biggest disappointment was that the promised and much anticipated medals transfer ceremony between Critical Mass in loin clothes and Fox Force 4 in thongs never materialized. Reputable sources have confirmed that the Foxes had their thongs, so apparently the boys from Mass are all talk...
CaSL team Carolina ICE
Sunday was a training day for Fox Force 4 and ICE. The weather remained cloudy so the teams and fun jumpers entertained themselves as only skydivers can. Burke Fitzpatrick demonstrated CRW down-plane maneuvers on the ground with Brenda Kramar that looked more like moves out of the Kama Sutra. Following that, several members of the teams along with a host of fun-jumpers held an accuracy competition. Carolina ICE member Kyle Rice won the first competition with a dead-center landing, while Fox Force 4 member Brenda Kramar (not to be outdone) won the second accuracy competition, also with a dead-center landing.
CaSL team JFF
Thank you to everyone who came out to compete. It was a terrific meet and we appreciate all of our friends who came out to play in our backyard at Skydive Carolina. These meets have evolved from competitions to a great time to play and connect with friends. We are happy to have you as friends, brothers and sisters in our skydiving community. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Coastal Carolina meet on July 31st.Meet story provided by Kyle Rice, source: CaSL website