... that the judges study the fast sequences in Stupino?
posted Jun 27th, 2004 -
Sunday, the 27th of June was not even the official training day of the IPC Anton Malevsky Memorial World Cup 2004 yet, however, the exciting meet atmosphere was already in the air and all over the competition site. Teams were training, the judges set up their work area, as well as the NSL News moved into the "NSL News Online" office. The Malevsky Cup organizers went out of their way to provide a working place for the NSL News that will allow the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of this event. The pressure is on, the NSL News will have to work hard to meet the expectations of these high standards.
NSL News Online office in Stupino
While the setup activities were taking place, FAI Chief Judge Klaus Wellens used the opportunity to review some footage of the top teams with his staff. USPA judge Judy Celaya had asked NSL News reporter Kurt Gaebel earlier to bring a copy of the inofficial world record jump by France Maubeuge to Russia. Wellens, Celaya and the whole staff were interested in studying the fast sequence and its execution to prepare for the judging challenge at the Malevsky Cup. French national coach Jerome David told Celaya that the NSL News had the footage available and agreed to show it in Russia.
Judges at work in Stupino
David provided the NSL-TV with the video of this 42-point jump after the French Cup 2003, which included the record sequence (B-F-L-A-N). The video was available on the front page for quite a while and is now back on this Malevsky Cup news page. The judges also asked DeLand Majik to bring the footage of the 41-point jump at the May meet of the Florida Skydiving League 2004. Majik had posted their 41 points in round two of this competition, the sequence was C-E-F-L-K. The video file of this Majik jump was also offered on NSL-TV shortly after the completion of the FSL meet. The NSL News will try to get this sequence on the same Malevsky Cup page, as well.
MI-8 in the boarding area
The judges in Stupino took the time to study both videos carefully. There is no doubt that they will need very quick eyes in the coming days of the Malevsky Cup. The three best and quickest teams in the world are getting ready to go as fast as they can. The judges will ask France, Majik and Sinapsi PD to go as clean as they can at the same time. The competition draw has not been done yet and is scheduled for Monday evening. Ten rounds will most likely include a few fast rounds. The judging panel in Stupino is qualified to judge and confirm world records. The draw will show if there is a chance.
V-Max at the MI-8 mock-up
France Maubeuge and Majik trained lightly today, other teams on site included the German 4-way teams EADS and Chicca, the British world champion in the Women's class V-Max, the Italian female team Kewara, Norway's Arcteryx and several Russian teams. The MI-8 helicopter had a very busy day. Monday is another training day, including the official training jumps for the registered teams. The NSL-TV will begin the coverage with some of these training jumps.