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Did You Know...

... that the DaneZ just made it home for the Danish national championship 2004?

Traveling DaneZ in Russia
posted Jul 16th, 2004 - The Danish national 4-way team did not know for quite a while whether they would be able to make it to the Malevsky Cup 2004 or not. The country's national championship was scheduled for the weekend right after the end of the competition in Russia. The Danez have obligations to their association, which supports the team financially and with other resources, as well. The association expects the national team to at least attend the national championship and provide the other Danish teams with advise.
Traveling DaneZ in DeLand
The team members and coach Pete Allum were juggling with the team's schedule for a while until an agreement was reached. The DaneZ were now able to travel to Russia and hurry back to attend the national championship. One sacrifice was the award ceremony of the Malevsky Cup on Saturday. The DaneZ made the Friday trip to Moscow with the rest of the crowd and did not return with the buses and the police escort to Stupino. They packed up, staid the night in Moscow and flew back to Denmark next morning.
Project B Team Vitesse
DaneZ' team member Jess Romer reported that the team still just made it to the competition site in Denmark in time. He mentioned that the team was sad about missing the award ceremony in Stupino. However, they were eager to defend their national title and show their support for the home crowd. Their travel day, Saturday, was already the first meet day in Denmark. They were lucky that bad weather did not allow any jumps on the first day of the meet. The first two competition jumps were made on Sunday.

It was a 10-round meet with seven teams competing in the Danish A Class and five more teams in the B Class. The Danish A Class is identical with the AAA/Open Class. The teams in the first three places are also the three teams, which are a part of the newly created Danish 4-way project. The DaneZ are the national team, the A Team of the project and won the national championship with a 16.3 average. Vitesse is the B Team and placed second with a 12.5 average. Air4s is the C Team and finished with a 9.5 average. The project business was obviously in the right order.

Project C Team Air4s
All three teams are not new to the NSL audience and the FSL scoreboard. The DaneZ competed at the FSL Shamrock Showdown in March 2004 and posted a 15.4 average in DeLand. Next step was the Malevsky Cup with a 16.9 average. The Danish Nationals brought a 16.3 average, including three penalties and some flaws, probably caused by fatigue after the travel stress. B Team Vitesse competed in April at the FSL meet in Lake Wales and posted a 13.3 average after six rounds. 12.5 was on the team account at the Nationals. C Team Air4s attended the same FSL meet in April and finished the six-round meet with a 10.7 average.

Romer added in his update from Denmark that the project recently ran a tryout for the three teams, which went well. The project teams' line-ups will have some minor changes, which will be announced soon. Below are the scores of the three project teams.

Danish Nationals 2004
Rd. 1
Rd. 2
Rd. 3
Rd. 4
Rd. 5
Rd. 6
Rd. 7
Rd. 8
Rd. 9
Rd. 10
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