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Did You Know...

... that Carolina Skydiving League competitors deployed for service duty?

Team Luckiest Gut in Raeford
posted Aug 8th, 2006 - The FAI World Meet 2006 is once again on a weather hold. The NSL News uses the break for an update with scores and a meet story of the last Carolina Skydiving League competition.

The 4th CASL meet of 2006 was held at Raeford Aviation on Saturday, July 29. There were 11 teams completing, one AAA/Open Class team, six AA/Intermediate Class teams, and four Rookie Class teams. Dan Winkelstein was the meet director. Chris Talbert and Tim D'Annunzio were the judges.

One of the Rookie Class teams, Luckiest Guy in Raeford, made their jumps under special circumstances. Two of the team members were deployed before the meet. CASL Director Randy Garmin obtained the Rookie Class draw two weeks early so this team could jump the same competition draw prior to deployment.

Luckiest Guy in Raeford made all of their jumps on Saturday, August 15. Former Golden Knight Chris Wagner was the team's videographer. The jumps were downloaded to DVD and saved until the meet for judging. A special thanks to all of the people involved in allowing Luckiest Guy in Raeford to jump ahead of time and also for keeping the draw well protected.

Chris Talbert with the Golden Knights in 2002
The meet started at 8:45 am with the first load off the ground by 9:15 am. The last round of the meet was completed by 5:30 pm. There were 17 Twinotter loads. Raeford Aviation did an excellent job of managing the loads so that videographers who were doing double duty would be able to video multiple teams.

Carolina Ice won the meet championship with an average of 9.1 points per round. Under the CASL's handicapped scores for the AA/Intermediate Class, Bruce's Team Owes Beer came in first with a raw score of 43 and 64.9 points after handicap. Crazy Ivan and the Crew placed second with a raw score of 48 and 51.1 points after handicap. Team Wagner came in third with a raw score of 28 points and 48.4 after handicap.

Fast Fockers won the Rookie Class competition with a 9.3 meet average. PFFFFFT came in second with a 5.0 average, and Luckiest Guy in Raeford took the third place with a 4.5 meet average after four rounds. Heather Kent who videoed Crazy Ivan and the Crew received the CASL Video Award. At the awards ceremony, Chris Wagner was honored for 13,000 jumps and 180 hours of freefall. The Carolina Skydiving League is hosting a special 4-way scramble meet at Raeford on August 19. L.J. Wobker will be organizing this scramble. A scramble is a meet where competitors from all teams are randomly re-assigned, in their preferred slot, to different teams for each round. This allows the most experienced skydivers to be teamed with the least experienced skydivers and is an excellent chance to compete and share knowledge with lower time jumpers.

The team score for each round will be added to each competitor's individual score. The winning team will be composed of the highest scoring person for each slot.

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