... that two teams re-started the Virginia Parachute Coucil last weekend?
VPC 2006posted Aug 15th, 2006 -
Most of the attention has recently been on the World Meet 2006 in Germany last week and currently on the Malevsky Cup 2006 in Russia. However, other competitions took place last weekend in Virginia, Texas and Finland. Great Britain also holds the national championships this week. The scores from Virginia have been posted, and VPC Director Chris Halsan wrote a brief summary of the event:
VPC team DC 3
After being weathered out last month, Mother Nature provided some beautiful skydiving weather for the August meet of the Virginia Parachute Council. The recent heatwave broke, and Saturday morning was a perfect day for the first meet of the 2006 season.
Two teams registered in the AA Class for the VPC meet held at Skydive Suffolk: DC3 from Skydive the Point (Christine Bruchac, Christi Meyer, Dave Owens, Chris Halsan, and Todd Porter), and Team Skydive Suffolk (Mary Miller, Pete Schwartz, John Carlson, Jim Burley, and Eddie Heady).
VPC team Skydive Suffolk
Skydive Suffolk kept their PAC-750 flying turnaround loads all day, so the competitors never had to wait for a load. Despite concerns about the size of the door on the PAC, both teams were able to launch the first point of each skydive without any real problems. Perfect green lights from the pilot ensured the teams never had to worry about the spot.
Both teams got off to a slow start, but DC3 picked up the pace through rounds 2-4 to mount a lead the home team from Suffolk couldn’t overcome. The camera work of Todd Porter and Eddie Heady was right on the money all day, as a few clouds rolled through the area and provided more than the usual challenge to team videographers.
At the end of the day DC3 came out on top, and Team Skydive Suffolk was only able to complete four rounds due to other personnel commitments. The next VPC meet is scheduled for September 16-17 at Skydive The Point.