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Did You Know...

... that Airspeed's 16-way line-up is a re-union of former and current celebrities and VIP's?

Perris team wins 10-way gold
posted Oct 27th, 2006 - The 4-way and 8-way events of the USPA Nationals 2006 were already completed Thursday morning. However, the event also includes a 10-way and a 16-way Formation Skydiving competition. A Russian line-up won the 10-way event as a guest team, and the gold medals were taken by a Perris team.

The line-up was a combination of Perris Fury and members of other 4-way line-ups and individuals, guided by Dan BC: Joshua Hall, Christine Frikken, Steve Salamon, Michael Anderson, Piya Navanugraha, Dan BC, Christopher Farina, Bill Morrison, Kai Wolf, Billy Andrews. Fury's videographer Karen Lewis filmed the team, Ulrich Stuwe was the alternate.

"Perris 10" left the two top line-ups of Arizona Airspeed and the Golden Knights behind in a surprising upset. The Russian team was far ahead (77.25 seconds), but it was a very close race (96.47 - 98.49 - 99.90) for the USPA gold medals.

Airspeed 2006 line-up
The 16-way competition features an incredible Airspeed line-up, which is loaded with world champions and world class competitors. This time, there are no guests in the 16-way team - it is a pure Airspeed affair of current and former VIP's and celebrities in the skydiving community. It is difficult to imagine that any other 16-way will be able to keep up with this powerhouse.

The line-up consists of John Eagle, Craig Girard, John Hamilton, Gary Beyer, Jack Jeffries, Dan BC, Kirk Verner, Mark Kirkby, Thomas Hughes, Eric Gin, Andy Honigbaum, Andy Delk, Eliana Rodriguez, Brian Johnson, Todd Hawkins and Dennis Rook. Christopher Irwin and Natasha Montgomery are sitting on the bench, Will Pesek is filming the team.

Airspeed's 4-way team in 1999
Kirk Verner, Craig Girard, Dan BC, John Eagle, Jack Jefferies, Gary Beyer and Mark Kirkby represent the Airspeed line-up that won the gold medals at the World Meet 1999 in Australia. Kirk Verner, Dan BC, Jack Jefferies and Mark Kirkby had already taken the 4-way gold medals in Turkey 1997. John Hamilton had his time with Airspeed years ago, as well.

Craig Girard, John Eagle and Mark Kirkby won the 4-way gold medals in Spain 2001. Todd Hawkins competed with Airspeed at the World Meet 2003 in France and placed 2nd. Eliana Rodriguez, Dennis Rook and Andy Honigbaum won 8-way gold medals for Airspeed in Croatia 2004.

Airspeed 2003 line-up
Thomas Hughes, Eric Gin, Andy Delk and Brian Johnson are all current Airspeed members and competed at the World Meet 2006 in Germany where they won the silver medals. It cannot get much better for an Airspeed line-up, and the reunion will surely be lot of fun.

Even the bench is all Airspeed. Christopher Irwin had his time in Eloy after his team FX discontinued, and current 4-way world champion, Natasha Montgomery helped out for Airspeed Velocity this week.

The Airspeed 16-way members who are not in the current line-up joined this group after competing with other teams this week in Eloy. Dan BC, Kirk Verner, Dennis Rook and Jack Jefferies had competed with Paraclete XP in 8-way, John Hamilton with Elsinore Gravity in 4-way.

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Gary Beyer competed together with Todd Hawkins for Arizona Razor in 4-way. Todd Hawkins then joined Airspeed's 8-way line-up, while Gary Beyer was the player coach for the winner of the 8-way Intermediate Class competition, Arizona Old Works. Mark Kirkby is a current Fastrax member in 4-way and did not compete in 8-way. John Eagle came out of retirement only to be a part of this 16-way fun. The scores of the 16-way competition can be found at the Omniskore website.
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