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Did You Know...

... that the NSL Shop now offers SkyQuest 2006 T-shirts and NSL Gloves for $15?

posted Nov 28th, 2006 - SkyQuest 2006 and the upcoming holiday season have changed the information of a few items in the NSL Shop.

The SkyQuest 2005 T-shirt was already a very popular item. Each registered participant received a shirt upon arrival at Fantasy of Flight after signing up for the event.

The National Skydiving League has had several different T-shirts over the years, as well. They were sold during events and also handed out to the participants. However, SkyQuest has always had its own signature shirts ever since the inception of the event in 2001.

SkyQuest 2005 shirt
The design of the early years included only the SkyQuest logo and identification of the supporting sponsors.

The first creative design was introduced at SkyQuest 2005. The manager of the pond swooping competition, Chris Hayes, provided the foundation for last year's artwork.

The image of PD Factory Team member Ian Bobo swooping the water became the eye catcher of the SkyQuest 2005 T-shirt. The beautiful shirt is still available in the NSL Shop.

SkyQuest 2006 shirt
This year's SkyQuest T-shirt caught the same attention. Justin Carmody, Graphic Artist for Performance Designs, can take the credit for the new design. This time, each of the three main events, Kaleidoscope Dives, Swooping and 4-way, had its own spot on the shirt.

The SkyQuest 2006 shirt has now been added to the line of items in the NSL Shop for a sales price of $10.

The NSL Shop also offers the combination of the 2005 and 2006 shirts for only $15.

NSL Gloves in action with Belgium's national 4-way team Spa Hayabusa

NSL Gloves Special

The holiday season has also brought down the sales price for the NSL Gloves for a special offer. One single pair of NSL Gloves will be sold for only $15 between now and the end of the year and only until the current stock is gone. This special offer does not allow any additional discounts for team rates.

The NSL Gloves have been very popular for years, and they offer the same quality as the famous Neuman gloves for a much better price. Feedback from teams using the NSL Gloves also confirmed that the point average automatically goes up by one point as soon as the gloves are in use.

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