... that the videos of Round 5 feature the Points in full action?
posted Nov 30th, 2006 -
Round 5 of the USPA Nationals 2006 can now be viewed on NSL-TV. The videos of the winning teams in each competition class (DeLand Groove - AAA/Open, Arizona Divewerkz - AAA/Advanced, Ranch Pulse - AA/Intermediate) have been uploaded and replace the videos of Round 4. The video of Perris Fury can once again be found by navigating to the same location.
DeLand Groove's round five at the USPA Nationals 2006 - see video
The AAA Class sequence of Round 5 (B-22-H-3) brought full action to the individual flyers in the point positions. Block 22 (T - Chinese T) requires Point and Center Inside of the majority of teams to perform the individual flying maneuvers. The Point usually shares the single job of Block 3 (Side Flake Opal - Turf) with the Center Outside, as well.
However, the sequence of Round 5 allowed the AAA Class teams an engineering that would even bring each slot back to the top of the page. This engineering gave all 540's in Block 3 to the Point.
Perris Fury's round five at the USPA Nationals 2006 - navigate from here to see the video
DeLand Groove had Solly Williams in the Point position who had only a few training jumps to get familiar with a slot that he had never filled with one of his own teams. His A-Slots in his competition career were Center Inside (South Africa's team DeLand Equanimity and Optic Nerve), Tail (DeLand Majik) and Center Outside (DeLand Majik).
The video of Round 5 at the USPA Nationals 2006 shows Solly Williams in full action. DeLand Groove tied the highest score of the round (22 points) with Team Fastrax where Niklas Hemlin fills the Point position. Airspeed Odyssey with Point Eliana Rodriguez scored 21 points. Black Cat, Golden Knights and Perris Fury follow with 20 points.
Arizona Divewerkz' round five at the USPA Nationals 2006 - see video
The video of Perris Fury shows Josh Hall as the team's Point with the same individual moves. Arizona Divewerkz, with Kaleidoscope Diver Blane Boynton in the Point position, posted another sole highscore of the Advanced Class competition with the 15-pointer for Round 5.
Ranch Pulse's round five at the USPA Nationals 2006 - see video
Ranch Pulse completes the NSL-TV video show of the USPA champions with a completely different sequence for Round 5 (O-8-K). The AA/Intermediate class winner was the only team in this class with a 13-pointer. Five other teams made it to the 12th point within working time.