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Did You Know...

... that Optic Nerve and Teiwaz were already locked into each other after Round 2?

posted Dec 12th, 2006 - NSL-TV continues with the coverage of the NSL Championship at SkyQuest 2006. The 4-way competition included once again the annual showdown between Optic Nerve and Teiwaz. Both teams have competed with each other many times with several different line-ups, and the NSL News will take on the history of this special duel very soon.
Optic Nerve's round two at SkyQuest 2006 - see video
The history of Optic Nerve was already covered in detail with the NSL News story on April 14. Teiwaz was formed almost at the same time in 1998. The Teiwaz history is next on the NSL News agenda before the actual competition between the two teams will be explored.
Teiwaz' round two at SkyQuest 2006 - see video
Round 2 of the 4-way competition at SkyQuest 2006 has now been uploaded and replaced the videos of Round 1 at the NSL website, while all videos can still be viewed at the NSL pages of the SkyQuest website. As usual, Optic Nerve and Teiwaz were already locked into each other after only two rounds. Each team had won a round by one point so far.
Fast + Furious' round two at SkyQuest 2006 - see video
Event judge and coach Pete Allum had already mentioned earlier that the new Fast + Furious line-up had difficulties with the exits from the left-hand door in DeLand. The video of Round 2 is the first example of how much work it was for the Italian team to make the necessary adjustments, which took away a lot of precious working time. Fast + Furious was introduced with the NSL News story on December 6.
Air Force CAD's round two at SkyQuest 2006 - see video
The team with the least pressure and the most fun at SkyQuest 2006 was probably Air Force CAD - at least after the completion of the second round on Friday afternoon. Air Force 7XY had put some pressure on the fellow cadets with the 14-pointer for the meet opener. The surprising outcome of Round 1 had forced Air Force CAD to share the lead for a round.
Awards with Natasha Montgomery
However, the scores of Round 2 cleared the situation between the two Air Force teams already, and it was only a walk in the park for Mike Bush (Outside Center), Joe Kreidel (Inside Center), Ryan Regan (Tail), Jon Vaage (Point) and Steve Ramos (Video) from here on.

The team members did not make it a secret that they looked at the last competition of their 2-year commitment as a casual event at the finish line. In fact, they admitted that they enjoyed the award ceremony with 4-way world champion Natasha Montgomery most of all. Air Force CAD also took the NSL AA Class trophy back to Colorado where it will stay for the second consecutive year and the 4th time in NSL history (2002, 2003, 2005, 2006).

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