... that the NSL website has finally transitioned into 2007?
posted Feb 7th, 2007 -
The change of the year came with a delay for the NSL website. NSL webmaster Craig Buxton is a very busy person and has a full-time job at the SkyVenture headquarters in Austin, Texas. He manages the training of wind tunnel instructors all over the world, which is layed out at the company website, Tunnelflight.com.
Craig Buxton also uses any spare time to create and supervise other website designs, mostly in the skydiving community. His own business, Gravity Pilot Poductions, has produced several first-class computer programs and training DVDs for skydivers, including graphics for large-formation records of the World Team, Arizona Airspeed's "Mind Maps" and several Skydive University materials in the past.
DeLand Vertical Air with Craig Buxton
Computer expert Craig Buxton is a former US 4-way champion and silver medalist at the World Championship of Formation Skydiving in 1993 (DeLand Vertical Speed), an experienced coach and judge. He began to focus more and more on sophisticated computer and webmaster skills, which supported his own coaching business.
He observed the activities of the National Skydiving League and the NSL website operation for a while before he finally suggested that Skyleague.com needed a serious overhaul. Craig Buxton offered his services to help create the current version of a well working website for the NSL purposes.
Craig Buxton
The modern age on the world wide web began for the NSL website in 2004. The National Skydiving League continued to grow. International leagues and pages were added, the NSL News offered more and more special event coverage. The database for each year was getting larger.
The transition into a new skydiving season always requires the creation of a new database, while the previous year requires several adjustments. Craig Buxton and the NSL headquarters spent the first month of this year to prepare the transition from 2006 to 2007. The work has finally been completed, and the new 2007 database has been added.
Skyleague.com navigation
The databases of the previous years are loaded with information and still available. The "Archives" on the very bottom of the navigation menu has become an important tool for visitors who are looking for information of past events and earlier NSL News stories. The internal search engine at the NSL News is a very helpful tool, as well.
The "Archives" guide the visitor into the databases of 2004, 2005 and 2006, while each click on the NSL logo on the top left of the screen leads back to the front page of each database. Only a click on the link "2007" in the "Archives" brings the visitor back to the current front page after surfing in the previous years.
NSL Archives 2004 - 2007
The new database of 2007 will now be filled with information, event dates, video files and all other usual features. The first 2007 scores will be posted in March when the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2007 kicks off the new NSL season. The NSL audience is welcome to provide relevant information, including notices of potential flaws in the system.