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Did You Know...

... that the new version of the NSL Discussion Forum is stronger and better?

GT Inviscid with Craig Sellars (right)
posted Feb 20th, 2007 - Craig Sellars was a member of the Georgia Skydiving League team GT Inviscid. He was a computer expert and webmaster when he trained and competed with the GSL team in 2002/2003/2004. He was also very interested in the development of the NSL website and had offered his help several times.

It was almost exactly four years ago when the NSL website added the NSL Discussion Forum to the usual features. The official announcement of the new communication tool for teams and competitors was posted on February 25, 2003. Craig Sellars had created and installed the forum for the NSL website in his spare time between Georgia Tech school obligations and GT Inviscid training.

Introduction of the NSL Discussion Forum in 2003
Elsinore GT with NSL Forum Moderator Steve Miller
Craig Sellars' version of the NSL Forum was updated when Craig Buxton overhauled the whole website and presented the current features to the NSL audience. This new and sophisticated masterpiece of database operation allows access to all the NSL information since it was created in 2004. Craig Buxton's website with the updated version of the NSL Forum was launched on June 10, 2004.

The new discussion forum was well used and included great feedback and insights coming directly from the NSL audience. Many interesting topics were discussed by a broad national and international audience and brought up many different aspects and views from different angles.

Valentine's Meet scores
Unfortunately, the previous version was not very well protected from spammers and hackers. It became a serious daily effort to clean up the forum when spammers detected the open door. Finally, the NSL Forum was even hijacked several times, while it became overloaded with spam. The only reasonable solution was to close it down and work on a new and better-protected version.

The transition into the new season, which moved the 2006 content into the NSL Archives and prepared all features for the 2007 season, was the right time to launch the newest version of the NSL Discussion Forum. The transition of the databases was completed on February 7, early enough to be ready for the first competition this year, the Valentine's Meet 2007.

New NSL Discussion Forum
The new NSL Discussion Forum was connected to the NSL website yesterday and quietly tested with the first story covering the season opener of the new Arizona Skydiving League. The new forum is working very well, and it is time for interested NSL and 4-way fans to sign up and provide new feedback and insights.

The results of the Valentine's Meet are the perfect opportunity to initiate the discussion and chatting. The NSL audience is invited and welcome to help evaluate the situation at the beginning of the 2007 season.

Support the NSL
The installation of the new forum did not come for free, as the whole NSL operation requires the usual business expenses as for each small-business operation. The valued NSL audience can help to keep the NSL operation alive and move on even stronger and better by donating once in a while or on a regular basis.
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