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Did You Know...

... that Australia's team Airtite keeps moving Onwards and Upwards?

Airtite 2007
posted Apr 19th, 2007 - The NSL News received an update from Australia where the national championship of 2007 was already held in March. The reigning Australian 4-way champion, Airtite, won again and for the 4th time since 2004.

Airtite consists of Jeremy Langford (Point), Gary Nemirovsky (Outside Center), Rob Tasic (Inside Center), Simon Disciassio (Tail) and Andy Oakley (Camera). The same line-up represented Australia at the World Meet 2006 in Germany.

This year's national championship was held on March 31 - April 6 at Sydney Skydivers, the location where the World Cup of Canopy Piloting will take place this year, as well.

Airtite at the World Meet 2006
Airtite completed 30 training jumps before this year's championship, which were also the only jumps the team has done together since the World Meet in August 2006. Airtite had completed the 5-round competition in Germany with a 15.2 average and now set a new team record with a 16.0 average after the 10-round meet in March.

Team member Jeremy Langford reported that the team was very happy with the results: "We were ecstatic with the result, considering the amount of training we did, and the fact that the draw was not considered a fast one. We left a few points on the table with two busts in the first nine rounds and a couple of glitches here and there."

Airtite 2007 exit
He added that everybody was so happy with the 16.0 average that they left a message for coach Solly Willams instantly after learning the score of the last jump. The Airtite members did not expect the 16.0 average after landing from Round 10:

"We needed a 16-pointer on the last round with a slow sequence, 8-16-C. Funnily enough, we landed after the jump and all of us thought that the jump was scrappy and we didn't get the prize, so to speak. We were pleasantly surprised after watching the judging with the 16th point completed just inside the 35 second window. The we went straight on the phone to text Solly Williams and let him know the results."

The 2nd place went to C4 (Alan Moss, George Attard, Micheal Vaughn, and Craig Vaughn). The Australian national team in FAI's female category, G-Force, finished in 3rd place with a 12.1 average. G-Force had represented Australia last year in Germany, as well. Carley Young, Lisa Perdichizzi, Marlies Friese, Melissa Harvie and Caitlin Colin were in 10th place with a 12.4 average at the World Meet 2006.

Jeremy Langford explained that the scoreboard does not really indicate a close competition at all with a difference of 28 points between first and second place. He said that the competition was still fierce: "The rivalry between C4 and Airtite continues to be strong and enjoyable, while the members of both teams are good friends."

G-Force at the World Meet 2006
He added that Airtite now plans to relax for the rest of the year: "All team members are keen to work hard, save money and plan for the national championship in 2008."

Airtite wants to win again and represent Australia for the 3rd consecutive time at a World Championship of Formation Skydiving, this time in France 2008. The team still considers to compete at this year's FAI Asiana Games in August, which will be held in Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia.

Jeremy Langford said that it was important for his team to finally get to the 16.0 benchmark: "We have finally reached the 16-point average barrier that we seem to have struggled to get to within the last 18 months, with consistency during a competition being a major factor. Our focus and commitment will continue to see the team strive to a higher average than we currently have. Onwards and Upwards!"

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