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Did You Know...

... that Round 1 of the World Challenge 2007 is now on NSL-TV?

World Challenge 2007 DVD - order here
posted Jun 22nd, 2007 - Bodyflight Bedford and CamScore, the new judging and DZ-TV program that was used very successfully at the World Challenge 2007, are now bringing some of the original videos of the competition to the audience via NSL-TV.

The NSL News story on May 26 had already introduced the World Challenge 2007 DVD, which can still be purchased in Bodyflight Bedford's online store.

The features and the quality of the footage on the DVD is naturally much better than the video files that have now been uploaded for NSL-TV. However, the quality of the NSL-TV videos is still good enough to provide an impression of the performances.

The camera angle is the same as the one on the DVD, right on top of the teams flying in the chamber. It is identical with the pictures that the judges saw on CamScore and the audience at Bodyflight Bedford's public viewing areas on CamScore DZ-TV screens.

In fact, the judges and the audience saw more since the original footage was edited while dubbed to the computer. Working time, sequences, scores and other details were added for the viewing screens, while the uploaded NSL-TV videos are only the original footage recorded by the chamber camera.

The five videos of the top teams can now be viewed by clicking on the movie icons at the event's leaderboard. Round 1 (19-O-5) is currently featured and shows how the XL lineup for the meet (Pete Allum, John McIver, Steve Hamilton, Brian Johnson) surprised the field with the highest score (27) of the round.

Sky Panthers' Round 1 at the World Challenge 2007 - see video
The new videos also show once again how the teams "exited" into the flying chamber at the beginning of the working time. Most of the teams built the first formation with individual flying maneuvers, and it did not take much time at all to go full steam after entering the tunnel.

Hayabusa Defence from Belgium showed a more sophisticated entry maneuver and launched two complete pieces to build the Ritz of Block 19. The two pieces just had to make contact in the center and then moved right into the block technique.

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