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Did You Know...

... that round five of the Shamrock Showdown offered a very tight race for the highscore?

posted Apr 21st, 2005 - Round five of the FSL Shamrock Showdown 2005 was a very close race for the highest score in the AAA Class. DeLand Fire, the Golden Knights and Italy's Sinapsi PD all finished with 23 points within working time. Fire and Sinapsi PD were only 0.01 seconds away from each other when they completed the 23rd point (34.73 seconds - 34.72 seconds). To make the sprint for the finish even more exciting: both teams were exactly tied on the NSL watch when they completed the 20th point (31.04 seconds). The Golden Knights were slightly ahead and completed the 23rd point at 34.50 seconds. None of these three teams was close to the completition of the 24th point.
DeLand Fire's round five see video
The Golden Knights had the fastest times for Block 7 (Side Buddies - Side Buddies) with an average of 1.8 seconds (Fire 2.1 seconds, Sinapsi PD 2.1 seconds). Sinapsi PD had the best times for Block 21 (Zig Zag - Marquis) for an average of 2.4 seconds (Fire 2.8 seconds, Golden Knights 2.9 seconds). DeLand Fire was the winner in the race for the fastest random transitions with an average of 0.91 seconds (Sinapsi PD 1.04 seconds, Golden Knights 1.06 seconds). Each of the three teams with the highscore for this round had an advantage somewhere, which resulted in the tied three-way on the top.
Roseborough Travel Agency
The prizes for round five of the Shamrock's Skins Game were provided by local sponsors. DeLand's Roseborough Travel Agency contributed $200 cash for the winner of round five after handicap. The Boston Gourmet Coffee House, downtown meeting place for many local skydivers, added five $20 coupons and T-shirts for this round's winner.
Boston Gourmet Coffee House
The Swedish guest team "42" had its strongest phase in the middle of the meet. The 16 points in round five were enough to finish slightly ahead of the rest of the field in the race for this round's prizes. Sweden 42 would keep up the momentum and finish even stronger in the next round.
The sequence for the AA Class was identical with the AAA Class round. Elsinore Alloy won round five at the SSL meet in Perris with 11 points, followed by Elsinore Equinox with 10 points. Jamba scored 8 points in DeLand. The videos of the March meet in Perris have now arrived at the NSL headquarters. The new footage will soon be shown on NSL-TV, together with the introduction of several new SSL teams. Enjoy the show.
Jamba's round four see video
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