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Did You Know...

... that Ukraine is in bronze medal position after Round 8?

Alpha Fox jump preparation
posted Aug 8th, 2007 - It's an Ukrainian day in the female 4-way category so far. The first two rounds of the third competition day did not change anything on the very top where the new French line-up continues to increase the distance to the other teams. However, Alpha Fox has even outscored Russia's JetBats with the total of these two rounds.

Today's aggressive performance has moved the Ukrainian team past the German Chicas and into the bronze medal position. Now it is up to the Chicas to take action and challenge the 1-point deficit after eight rounds.

Dr. Rainer "Exi" Hoenle observed the action in the female competition and has his first comments.


Exi's World Cup Corner

There was a hold this morning caused by Moscow air traffic control. Rumors say that President Putin had to travel by plane and needed quiet air. It has been windier this morning anyway, and the skies are not so clear any longer.

The Spanish ladies came back with new motivation today after a disappointing first day. Two 9-pointers in Rounds 7 and 8 look much better compared to yesterday's 6.0 average after six rounds.

Alpha Fox took a full risk in Round 8 after matching Germany's and Russia's 15-pointers already in Round 7. They Ukrainian girls were in striking mode. They got their 17 points on the scoreboard, but it wasn't pretty. The scoresheet was clustered with marks, which never materialized in a synchronized judging call, luckily for the team.

The German Chicas scored a nice 13-pointer, and the 3rd place is now in Ukranian possession. France had the highscore once again with a 19-pointer and still dominates the female competition.

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