... that Omniskore closed the door for the NSL News?
Golden Knight Larry Miller helps the NSL-TV audienceposted Sep 8th, 2007 -
It is an unfortunate situation for the NSL-TV on-line fans who follow the action of the USPA Nationals 2007. It has become very difficult for the NSL News to get access to the meet videos.
USPA and Skydive Chicago kindly agreed prior to the competition that the NSL News will have permission to offer the same features to the USPA membership and the NSL audience that has become normal procedure at NSL News covered events, including streaming videos of competition jumps.
USPA's Larry Bagley and Chris Needels confirmed the agreement when the NSL News arrived at the competition site on Friday, and the preparations began. The situation changed when it was time to set up the work station nearby the Omniskore headquarters, as NSL News and Omnikore have done it several times in the past.
The NSL News coverage of the USPA Nationals 2007 is brought to you with the help of:
Fastrax members wait for their video on DZ-TV
Tim and Ted Wagner and NSL News reporter Kurt Gaebel used to work closely together and supported each other to provide the audience with different views and features of the events. However, Skydive Arizona's ower and USPA Director Larry Hill has now sole ownership of Omniskore, and Jan Meyer is working for him, and it was a new and very different ballgame Friday evening and Saturday morning. Omniskore simply does not allow the NSL News access to the DZ-TV videos any longer and even denied any access to scores, other data and the wired high-speed internet connection.
The NSL News had to improvise and has been moving around the facilities to find work places. Fortunately, USPA and the teams still agree to provide the NSL News with video files, and the efforts to collect exciting footage are on the way.
The Golden Knights Black team was the first team to offer meet videos, and team videographer Larry Miller took the time between the competition jumps to dub footage to the NSL computer. The video of Round 2 is linked to the 25-pointer on the leaderboard, and the video of Round 3 has been uploaded, as well.
Golden Knights Black's Round 3 at the USPA Nationals 2007 - see video
It is a very challenging situation for the judges in Ottawa since the plane operation is very efficient. Many teams once again don't know their own scores or the scores of other teams when they are boarding for the next load. It is also very difficult to follow the action on DZ-TV since two judging panels are working, and the DZ-TV screen changes frequently. However, the competition action is in full swing, and the scores are posted eventually.