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News Article Did you know that CSC Singularity posted their first outdoor scores?
posted: Jul 2nd, 2024 CSC Singularity appeared on one of the NSL News leaderboards the first time after participating at one of the Indoor Cloud League events of the ICL Midwest team, now powered by CSC Constellation XP, AA/Intermediate Class winner of the Paraclete XP Indoor Championship 2024. Both 4-way teams are home at the Chicagoland Skydiving Center, and the NSL News reported on April 25th that the new A Class team would benefit from the Constellation experiences. Singularity had not attended any indoor or outdoor 4-way competition in April, while it was probably only a matter of time when this would happen. The... (more)
News Article Did you know that Skywalkers Junior helped out with indoor scores for June?
posted: Jun 28th, 2024 The outdoor summer season has always been a challenging time for the Czech Indoor Cloud League team at the Hurricane Factory. The 4-way seniors enjoy jumping from planes in the summer, while the 4-way juniors and their families use the summer vacation from school for traveling and other activities. Once again, Jan Klapka had to find enough 4-way competitors to submit scores and videos for the month of June, and it will not become much easier in July. However, five of his teams were available to visit the Hurricane Factory, and three of them combined for the June total in the six ICL categories. Skywalkers... (more)
News Article Did you know that Paraclete XP and iFLY Dallas shared the ICL May highscores behind the Czech teams?
posted: Jun 10th, 2024 The Indoor Cloud League team of the Hurricane Factory in Prague created the second ICL Sweep in its competition history last month, as the NSL News reported on June 3rd. The story on June 6th followed up on the ICL May competition and featured the Czech teams who generated the sweep. The focus on the Czech teams included the situation of Skywalkers Junior and HF Chameleons, the two Czech top teams in AAA Class competition, even though HF Chameleons are still a 4-way junior team. Evidence for the challenging situation of Skywalkers Junior followed not much later when the youngest 4-way senior... (more)
News Article Did you know that HF Chameleons begin dominating Czech indoor competition?
posted: Jun 6th, 2024 The NSL News reported on June 3rd that the Czech Indoor Cloud League team at Prague's Hurricane Factory swept the highscores of all six categories in May. This had happened only once in the history of the Indoor Cloud League, in January 2019. As usual, several Czech 4-way teams battled for the honor of posting the highest score for the Czech ICL delegation. This time, six of the eight Czech teams were 4-way juniors, and three of them won their respective categories and combined for the ICL Sweep in May. Jan Klapka's senior M Team managed to steal one of the highscores with the 19-pointer for... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Czech 4-way teams swept ICL May five years after the first time?
posted: Jun 3rd, 2024 It had happened only once so far in the history of the Indoor Cloud League that one of the participating teams won all six categories with a clean ICL Sweep. It was the group of Czech teams in the Hurricane Factory who generated the total of 144 points in January 2019, as the NSL News reported on 2 February 2019. HF Flying Circus, the Czech Republic's national 4-way indoor and outdoor team by then, posted the highscores for the two Open Class sequences (AAA/AA), and four other teams added the scores for the four additional ICL categories (A/RRR/RR/R). A total of 14 Czech lineups competed with... (more)
News Article Did you know that CSC Constellation XP managed and performed for ICL Paraclete XP?
posted: May 20th, 2024 Paraclete XP's Indoor Cloud League team took a long break after posting the last scores and videos in June 2023. Paraclete XP's organizers and coaches have a very busy schedule as full-time professionals in event management and as competitors. Priorities between the tasks on the busy plates change, and competing for national and international medals is usually on the top of the list for all role models in Formation Skydiving. XPG4 members have been organizing Indoor Cloud League events at Paraclete XP in the most recent years, and preparations for the major events require their full attention.... (more)