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News Article Did you know that Czech junior Helicopters and Panthers have regular live and remote duels?
posted: May 24th, 2024 The Flyspot Liga in Poland completed its April competition with eight teams, six teams from Poland and two guest teams from Lithuania (Magic 4) and Czech Republic (Panthers). Magic 4 won the AAA Class duel with MAD Team first time this year, with the team's highest average in a 10-round competition without a Super Sequence. Poland's national indoor and outdoor team of the past years, Flyspot Sky4Four, competed once again in the AA Class. The NSL News had reported on April 15th that returning team members Joanna Hulboj and Zbigniew Kordzikowski had decided to guide their new lineup into top-level... (more)
News Article Did you know that five sequences indicate Flyspot Sky4Four's new starting position?
posted: Apr 15th, 2024 Poland's national team in 4-way Open of the past years, Flyspot Sky4Four, was founded at the end of the 2012 season. Anna Baranska, Zbigniew Kordzikowski, Tomek Rzeczkowski and Arek Szczebiot were the original members, and the NSL News has archived scoring records and team information since 2014. The original lineup started with their training of the AAA Class dive pool under the supervision of Czech 4-way godfather Jan Klapka in 2013. The next lineup, Anna Baranska, Zbigniew Kordzikowski, Tomek Rzeczkowski and Arek Szczebiot with Michal Baranski, won their first national bronze medal the same... (more)
News Article Did you know that Lithuania's Magic 4 won the next Flyspot Liga competition?
posted: May 30th, 2023 4-way teams in Poland completed the next ten competition rounds of their Flyspot Liga, this time without the national team in 4-way Open, Flyspot Sky4Four. The unusual absence of the strongest Polish 4-way team in the past years allowed the other AAA Class teams to compete for the top spot at the May meet. MAD Team and Flyspot Omega have been going through the four NSL categories (AAA - AA - A - RRR) together since 2017 until they both began posting scores on the AAA Class leaderboards in 2021. MAD Team had the upper hand at the Flyspot Open 2021 (194 - 184), Flyspot Omega at the Flyspot Open... (more)
News Article Did you know that Poland's Flyspot Liga concluded the 2021 indoor season in May?
posted: Jun 1st, 2022 4-way teams in Poland concluded their indoor 2021 league season several months later than planned last year. The recently posted scores were actually a part of the 2021 season. The Flyspot tunnels had offered participating teams once again an extended time period of two weeks (May 16 - 31) to complete the ten rounds at any of the three Flyspot locations. It was a smaller field than usual, as the ongoing health crisis and the additional political troubles near the Russian border have not made it any easier to organize events. However, the new Flyspot Liga competition took place anyway, and... (more)
News Article Did you know that Polish and Czech 4-way teams use the four NSL categories in different ways?
posted: Jan 25th, 2022 The NSL News has covered the events of the Polish Tunnel League regularly since it was launched several years ago. The indoor league offered 4-way teams in Poland regular 4-way competition opportunities, which went beyond the national outdoor championships. Flyspot Warszawa, one of the three Flyspot windtunnels in Poland, eventually even hosted the FAI Indoor World Cup 2016, attended by a total of 48 teams in the four FAI 4-way indoor categories (4-way Open, 4-way Women, 4-way Junior, 4-way VFS). The Czech Republic is a neighboring country and served as a model project after Jan Klapka launched... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Polish teams still posted record scores at the Flyspot Open?
posted: Nov 29th, 2021 The NSL News reported on November 24th that six Czech teams traveled to Poland and swept the four leaderboards of this year's Flyspot Open indoor competition. The six Czech teams took on six teams from Poland on their home turf. It was the largest 4-way invasion yet from the Czech Republic. The Polish teams were well prepared for indoor competition, as well, after regular 10-round meets of the Flyspot Liga this year. The strongest Polish 4-way team, Flyspot Sky4Four, attended three indoor meets before facing the Czech delegation at the Flyspot Open, together with all other five teams from Poland. In... (more)