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News Article Did you know that the CitiZens lived up to the expectations?
posted: Jul 20th, 2023 One of the two teams on the A Class leaderboard of the Pre-Nationals/Summer Classic combination last weekend had a longer travel distance, as well. Florida is not as far away from Raeford in North Carolina as Colorado is, and some of the CitiZens from Skydive City in Zephyrhills were able to travel by car to Skydive Paraclete XP. The CitiZens were at least familiar with the travel route, even though they had not visited Paraclete XP's skydiving center before. They had trained in Paraclete XP's 16-foot flying chamber earlier this year for an indoor camp with Jeana Billings and Kirk Verner. The... (more)
News Article Did you know that the AAA Class teams did not hurt each other last weekend?
posted: Jul 18th, 2023 The AAA Class competition of the Pre-Nationals/Summer Classic weekend did not feature any exciting battles, neither between the teams at Skydive Spaceland Houston nor at Skydive Paraclete XP. The U.S. national team in 4-way Women, XPG4, was too strong for the new Golden Knights 4-way lineup without former team captain Andrew Starr. XPG4 keep throwing out new team record numbers when they compete, after Jeana Billings re-joined the team this year. The same lineup had posted a 27.6 average at the FAI Indoor World Championship 2023, after 25.4 with former member Shannon Catalano at the Paraclete... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Pre-Nationals in Houston are ahead of the Paraclete XP Summer Classic?
posted: Jul 16th, 2023 Paraclete XP's Summer Classic 2023 in North Carolina is behind the Pre-Nationals 2023 at Skydive Houston in Texas. The weather situation was very different on Saturday at the two locations of this weekend's competition. The teams in Texas completed seven rounds, while Skydive Paraclete XP fell victim to stormy weather in the area. The six teams, including visitors from Colorado (Mile-Hi SpeedRun) and Florida (CitiZens) have not completed a single round yet. The weather is more promising for Sunday, and the Summer Classic will try to catch up as much as possible. The two AAA Class teams in... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Zhills CitiZens could be back in medal contention at the USPA Nationals?
posted: Jun 10th, 2023 The 4-way Beginner Class, which is identical with the A Class of the National Skydiving League, was added to the format of the USPA National Championship for the first time at the 2021 event. Air Force Academy team Zorry won after the six scheduled rounds, Anion Flux XP won the new set of USPA silver medals. Air Force team Fury and CSC Constellation needed an extra round to break their tie for the bronze medals. The new 4-way category attracted ten teams and was obviously very competitive right away. USPA decided to keep it as a part of the national championship after the test event and after... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Paraclete XP Summer Classic is coming back?
posted: Apr 4th, 2023 The first version of Paraclete XP's Summer Classic competition grew out of the Carolina Skydiving League, which was one of the busiest leagues in the NSL 4-way Network at that time. The Raeford Parachute Center was an early host of the CASL meets, and Paraclete XP lifted the July competition in 2007 to a new level with a $14,000 purse of prize money. The Paraclete XP Money Meet became the prime U.S. event between the Shamrock Showdown and the USPA Nationals in the middle of the outdoor summer season. The Shamrock Showdown defined the starting point of the outdoor season, and the teams had... (more)
News Article Did you know that AAA/AA matches A/RRR participation on the July leaderboard?
posted: Jul 27th, 2021 The latest additions to the combined July leaderboard came from the Triangle Skydiving Center, where the Carolina Skydiving League completed its second meet of the 2021 season. CASL co-director Jamie Caldwell welcomed three new teams to 4-way competition in the Carolinas, who had not attended any meets this year. Five different teams were at Skydive Carolina in May, where SDC RhEvolution XP had launched their outdoor competition season. Jamie Caldwell has been managing the Carolina Skydiving League together with SDC RhEvolution XP member Matt Alarif since the beginning of the 2021 season.... (more)