Did you know that last weekend's meet in Brazil was the only one producing scores? posted: May 16th, 2006 Jump plane maintenance was not a problem at the hosting skydiving center of the first Grand Prix 2006 meet in the United Kingdom, the Northwest Parachute Center Cark. However, the weather was not much better than it was in Iowa last weekend, and both events did not get started.
Andy Scott reported from overseas that 16 teams had entered across the board and were ready for the first round. The meet was provisionally re-scheduled for September 16-17 and now coincides with the date of the NSL Playoffs 2006. The new date still needs to be confirmed this week. (more)
Did you know that the Northern Plains Skydiving League had to cancel the 2006 season opener? posted: May 11th, 2006 Bad news came in from the Northern Plains Skydiving League yesterday. NPSL Director Sandy Grillet had to inform his teams and competitors that the meet this weekend at Skydive Iowa had to be canceled:
"It pains me to inform you that the Skydive Chicago Otter has a maintenance problem that can not be fixed before next week due to missing parts. Bruce and I have spent the last five hours scouring the country for a replacement with no success. Therefore we have no choice but to postpone the Skydive Iowa Jumpstart 2006 boogie and NPSL 4-way meet scheduled for this weekend."
The problem with the... (more)
Did you know that CTR Optimum dominated the 4-way competition in Brazil this year? posted: Oct 3rd, 2005 Results from Brazil have completed last weekend's small international competition. Four teams in the new South American 4-way league joined the NSL competition this time. The two Brazilian top contenders, CTR Optimum and So Pressao, raced with each other through all three 2005 meets, which were synchronized with NSL and ESL competitions.
The NSL News story on April 15 had explained the Brazilian plans to form the league and join the international network of 4-way skydiving competition leagues all over the world. The league organizers, Fábio Diniz and André Ferraz, followed up on the plans,... (more)
Did you know that organizers in Brazil plan to launch the Brazilian Skydiving League? posted: Apr 15th, 2005 Brazil prepares to join the international league community. The Brazilian interest in forming a league for 4-way competition has been there for many years. However, previous plans did not materialize. This time, the current efforts to launch the league seem to have great chances of success. Marconi Medeiros, a member of the Só Pressão Brasil Telecom 4-way team which competes in the AAA Class, contacted the NSL headquarters in June 2004 providing the initial ideas.
Brazil has always had many talented Formation Skydiving teams and competitors, even though very few Brazilian teams joined the... (more)