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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that Elsinore Gravity moves up to new performance levels in 2006?
posted: Mar 11th, 2006 The AAA/Open Class competition at the SSL Valentine's Meet 2006 lost one team to a scheduling confusion. Elsinore Gravity had planned to compete in Eloy and realized too late that the meet date was on a different weekend than originally planned. Team member Melanie Curtis informed the NSL News about the mishap and was sad that her team missed the competition. However, she provided the NSL News with a team update. The Gravity news from Elsinore sounded very promising for the team, as well as for 4-way competition and the Southwest Skydiving League. Elsinore Gravity 2006 consists of Melanie... (more)
News Article Did you know that the new international update comes from the Netherlands?
posted: Mar 10th, 2006 The NSL News already provided international updates coming from the United Kingdom, France and Belgium this year. The latest information covers the situation of the national team of the Netherlands, Punky Fish, at the beginning of the World Meet 2006 season. Punky Fish visited Florida for a winter training camp in February/March 2006, and the NSL News used the opportunity to meet with the team for an update. Punky Fish began as a player coach project, and the team founders Paul Hofstee and Bert Hajee have been around for several years. The team name used to stand for the standard of player coaching... (more)
News Article Did you know that Arizona ACSS included former Airspeed member Todd Hawkins?
posted: Mar 9th, 2006 The NSL News story on March 7 mentioned that Arizona Divewerkz had a tight competition with Arizona ACSS throughout the six rounds of the SSL Valentine's Meet 2006. Who is Arizona ACSS, the only team in the AAA/Open Class competition in Eloy without a team history? The ACSS line-up consisted of Kristina Bako (Point), Shauna Dorsett (Inside Center), Todd Hawkins (Outside Center), Doug Nintzel (Tail) and Ben Bressler (Video). Todd Hawkins is a former Airspeed member who was seriously injured a few years ago, just when he had made it successfully into the Airspeed line-up. (more)
News Article Did you know that France will send an Open Class 4-way team to Germany?
posted: Mar 8th, 2006 The last time the NSL News received information and feedback from the French national coach, Jerome David, was at the FAI World Cup 2005 in Eloy. The NSL News story on October 27, 2005, provided insights of the French preparations for the World Meet 2006 in Germany. Jerome David currently spends time with his national teams for a winter training camp at Skydive Arizona. The plans for this camp were already made last year, as Jerome David mentioned during the interview with the NSL News at the World Cup in October 2005. (more)
News Article Did you know that Arizona Divewerkz mastered the first 2006 test in the new competition class?
posted: Mar 7th, 2006 Two teams of the AAA/Open Class competition at the SSL Valentine's Meet 2006 have not been introduced yet, Arizona Divewerkz and Arizona ACSS. Arizona Divewerkz is not new to the NSL News audience at all though. The story on May 5th last year offered all the team information available at that point. The Divewerkz story covered the time period between the forming of the team in May 2004 and the situation one year later, which was very promising according to the team information and the scoring records, as well. The NSL News followed up with several updates throughout the whole 2005 season after... (more)
News Article Did you know that USPA and NSL work together on Formation Skydiving event judging?
posted: Mar 6th, 2006 The NSL News mentioned during the SSL Valentine's Meet 2006 coverage that USPA also held its annual winter meeting of the Board of Directors in Phoenix, Arizona, on the same weekend. Marylou Laughlin, Chair of the Competition Committee, had invited NSL President Kurt Gaebel to visit and discuss some of the topics with members of the committee. Kurt Gaebel used this opportunity to combine the NSL News coverage of the Valentine's Meet with the USPA meeting in Phoenix. USPA and NSL had mainly two topics on the common 2006 agenda: judging and NSL News coverage of the USPA Nationals 2006 at Skydive... (more)