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NSL News

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News Article Did you know that Hayabusa qualified as the Belgian national team for 2004?
posted: Jul 5th, 2004 The NSL News has returned from Russia. This does not mean that the coverage is complete yet. There are several stories to come and many photos waiting in the NSL archive. However, it is time to catch up with other events in the 4-way world that happened in the meantime. One of these events was the Belgian qualifier for the World Championship of Formation Skydiving 2004 in Croatia. The NSL News reported already earlier this year about the situation in Belgium with two teams preparing for the most important competition in Belgium this year. The second meet of the Belgium Skydiving Trophy 2004... (more)
News Article Did you know that Thursday's celebration was only the beginning?
posted: Jul 3rd, 2004 The celebration of the successful conclusion of the IPC Anton Malevsky Memorial World Cup 2004 began already on Thursday in Stupino. The organizers of the event arranged food, entertainment, music and more skydiving for the rest of the day, shortly after the last round was completed and the scores were posted. It was not very difficult to get all the teams and competitors in the right mood for celebration. The visit to Stupino has been a great pleasure for everybody. The world class competition was perfectly organised for the participants who also received a first-class treatment for their registration... (more)
News Article Did you know that the NSL News interviewed Pete Allum in Stupino?
posted: Jul 3rd, 2004 NSL News: Pete, please give us a quick overview of the whole Malevsky Cup from your perspective. Pete Allum: Almost every team at the Malevsky Cup has come to test their game. Whether it be their exits, their mindset or how they look to the judges. This is everyone's last chance for international experience prior to the W/meet in Croatia. The usual suspects have raised their heads: flat exit angles, seperation on randoms, weather conditions and the old gem....centre-point issues on block 12. With those objectives in mind, no team should be dissapointed with their Malevsky Cup experience, so... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Florida Skydiving Center hosted the last FSL meet in April 2004?
posted: Jul 1st, 2004 The second meet of the Florida Skydiving League 2004 season was competing with a large formation event at Skydive City last weekend. Several FSL competitors who are not currently in a team visited Zephyrhills for the 140-ways. However, the hard core 4-way fans still made their way to Lake Wales, including current and former Z-Hills locals as Ron Hill and Jim and Ellen Vandevelden. Hill (Tail) and Jim Vandevelden (Video) were both Teiwaz members for this meet with Robert Chromy (Center Inside), Kristina Peterson (Point) and Kurt Gaebel (Center Outside) completing the line-up. Ellen Vandevelden kept... (more)
News Article Did you know that the whole Thursday and the Malevsky Cup went to Majik?
posted: Jul 1st, 2004 It was a breath-taking race and an incredible finish by DeLand Majik. Team members mentioned after the conclusion of the meet that the team actually prefers to be in the hunt rather than the lead. However, it requires nerves of steel to do what Majik did in the three jumps of the last day of the competition. The last update included the results of round eight already. France Maubeuge's lead had shrunk to two points with two more rounds to go. Round nine was the slowest sequence of the meet. It would be difficult or even impossible for the DeLand team to pick up another point. However, Majik... (more)
News Article Did you know that the French lead goes up and down in Stupino?
posted: Jul 1st, 2004 Round seven increased the lead for France once again, this time to a three-point difference. France did nothing spectacular, it was a clean and fast round. Maubeuge even lost a few seconds due to a level problem with the subterminal Block 13 (Hammer - Hammer). DeLand Majik looked nervous in the same round and had flaws in the communication system that caused the penalty situation. Italy's Sinapsi PD performed below expectations once again and also received a two-point deduction for a final score of 17 points in round seven. The team was not happy with the call by the judges and argued it for... (more)