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119 results found for "fun flag"

News Article Did you know that Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Crown Prince Hamdan bin Mohammed are big sports fans?
posted: Nov 27th, 2012 It was a very long travel day for the NSL News to move from DeLand, Florida, to Dubai, United Arabian Emirates. However, this update comes live from Dubai, and at least it brings across the first impressions of an event magnitude that the skydiving world has not seen yet. The arrival at the Dubai International Airport was well planned by the host, and each travel group had a guide who kindly helped everybody to get to the hotels. NSL News Khalid spoke fluently English and explained that Dubai was the first place in the Arabian world that made an effort to teach English as the second language... (more)
News Article Did you know that the Fun Flag has successfully made the trip to Dubai?
posted: Nov 26th, 2012 The complete competition draw has now been added to the leaderboard of the ISR Grand Prix 2012. It also gives a better impression of the value of Thunder's scores. There was only one "weak" round, as Center Outside Paul Hofstee explained. Thunder did not like their own Round 3, and the first video below begins with this one of three Thunder sequences. However, Round 4 and 5 compensated for Round 3, and the second video features the Thunder highlight and 33-pointer highscore of the meet in Round 7. Thunder had to deal with a health situation, as one of the team members was sick and decided... (more)
News Article Did you know that Arizona Airspeed has launched a new phase of psychological warfare?
posted: Nov 19th, 2012 The next major event, the Mondial 2012 in Dubai, is just around the corner, and it is time to pay attention to a significant part of the game plan. The Fun Flag was sighted last time at the World Challenge 2012 where the NSL News followed the whereabouts and howabouts of the Fun Flag at Bodyflight Bedford. The story on 20 July 2012 provided the latest update with additional photos of the last sighting in Bedford. Then it became quiet for a while before members of the British delegation at the World Cup 2012 mentioned their goal to chase down the Fun Flag in Prostejov. The Fun Flag never... (more)
News Article Did you know that Aerodyne Deep Blue Defenders are challenging NMP-PCH Hayabusa in the Open Class?
posted: Aug 27th, 2012 The NSL News is finally ready to go and cover the World Cup 2012 live from the competition site. It was a challenging situation when the NSL website crashed, all of a sudden and at a very bad time. Fortunately, there was temporary and quick help available. ISB Air Remscheid member Pia Weingart kindly provided the connection with a German web wizzard who was able to repair the broken system within a few days and just in time. There was some good luck too, as the competition did not begin on Monday. The schedule for today included only the official training jumps and the opening festivities... (more)
News Article Did you know that there is more Fun Flag footage from the World Challenge 2012?
posted: Jul 20th, 2012 This year's coverage of the Fun Flag began at the World Challenge 2012 and continued a few weeks after the end of the event at Bodyflight Bedford with an update from Germany and Italy on 20 April 2012. The last update mentioned that "the Just4Fun members first presented the Fun Flag on stage during the award ceremony and then shared it with other female 4way competitors for photo ops and a late night presentation in the FlowHouse". The story includes a short video clip that shows a part of the "late night presentation" in the FlowHouse. The Fun Flag had surely returned to its original purpose... (more)
News Article Did you know that Zoe Bodtländer's name is now on the Fun Flag?
posted: Apr 20th, 2012 The NSL News has been quiet about the whereabouts of the Fun Flag for a long time, and there was a good reason for that. The last update with a funny story came from the World Cup 2011 on 4 August 2011. From then on and after a sad incident in Saarlouis the Fun Flag was not a topic for the NSL News any longer. A little girl was injured when the battle for the possession of the Fun Flag got out of control at the competition site, and the Fun Flag had lost its purpose. However, the NSL News used the time between the end of the 2011 season and the beginning of the new competition season to find... (more)