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Up Close & Personal

name: Chris Farina

email: zumr1@yahoo.com

age: 51

education: B.S. Accounting, Certified Public Accountant, M.S. Industrial & Organizational Psychology

family & marital staus: Divorced and now with a girlfriend

number of jumps: 9,500

years in Sport: 29

teams: Jetstream, Formula4, Deguello, Spark, Perris Fury, SDC Rhythm

slot(s): Point, Tail, Center Inside

favorite competition: 59- and 66-pointers at the '09 and '10 World Challenges in Bedfo

skydiving mentor(s): Jack Berke, Dan BC, Tony Domenica

hobbies: Motorcycles, Ice Hockey, Dogs, my Nieces

favorite book(s): Gimp, Beyond Basketball, Drive, Every Second Counts, Outliers

favorite movie(s): Dust to Glory

favorite place: Home with in the door of an Otter a close second

Where will you be ten years from now? Relaxing at my house in Arizona on the front porch with my girlfriend, a beer, my dog, and a shotgun

best kept secret: I'm actually a big softie inside, and I've performed two skydiver weddings as a non-denominational ordained reverend

favorite quote:

""Live Without Regret" (it better be, it's tattooed on my back)"

Chris Farina grew up in Rochester, NY, until he moved to California to attend college in San Jose. He graduated from college in 1996 with a B.S. Accounting degree and then spent two years working in public accounting to become a Certified Public Accountant.

He left public accounting for a position in the venture capital industry as the Controller for one of the world's largest Bio-Tech venture firms, Sanderling Ventures.

In November 2002 he also started his own business, a retail packaging and shipping store, that he ran for just over a year to the break-even point when he was forced to sell the store as part of his divorce.

Then he left the business world after a successful 8-year career in 2005 to join Perris Fury and start a successful skydiving competition career.

He had made his first two jumps in 1995 on static line and with his best friend in upstate New York. Then he followed up with AFF in the summer of 1995 in California with his sister.

It was the beginning of a series addiction, as he remembers his first jumps in his own way: "It was all down hill from there..."

"Down hill" meant for Chris Farina that he would dedicate his whole life to skydiving, and he is one of those guys who do things with all energy and all the way.

Formula 4 in 2000 Formula 4 in 2000
All his energy eventually ended up in 4way Formation Skydiving competition. This very special addiction began in 1999 when he joined his first 4way team as a videographer for Jetstream. He has not missed the USPA Nationals once ever since...

He is a competitor, no matter what he does: "I’ve never been one to do anything half-way. I always dive in all the way. I like to see how far I can push myself and see how good I can be."

USPA gold medals in 2001 USPA gold medals in 2001
He took off the helmet camera in 2000 and became the Point for Formula 4 who placed 15th with a 9.0 average at his first competition in the acting lineup.

A year later, Chris Farina won USPA gold medals in the AA/Intermediate Class with Formula 4 and posted a 14.0 average.

He was still in the middle of his corporate career at this point in time and had to take care of his new retail packaging and shipping store. Formula 4 continued in the AAA/Advanced Class competition for another year and placed 5th with a 12.5 average. Chris Farina then took most of the 2003 season off to take care of business.

Arizona Spark in 2005 Arizona Spark in 2005
He came back in 2004 and did 8way and 16way with Deguello. Kirk Verner was his coach, and he asked him eventually to try out for the new Arizona Airspeed lineup after the USPA Nationals 2004.

He did so, of course, but the competition was too strong. Brian Johnson and Andy Delk got the slots.

The connection with Perris Fury came a year later in 2005. Chris Farina had moved on in the Tail slot with Arizona Spark.

Mark Kirkby was his player coach who was also training and competing with Perris Fury as a player coach at the same time.

Original Perris Fury lineup Original Perris Fury lineup
Perris Fury needed a full player in the lineup when Mark Kirkby joined Team Fastrax in 2000, and Fury held their own tryouts at the end of the 2005 season.

Chris Farina's time had come now. He had just left behind his business career and was ready for an even stronger commitment and dedication to 4way competition. The Fury opportunity came at the right time, and he got the Center Inside slot.

He has been the driving engine for Perris Fury ever since, and the self-made team worked their way up from a 15.6 average in 2006 to world class performance, including the highest 4way score ever posted for a single round, the 66-pointer in Round 2 of the World Challenge 2010.

Back in the driver's seat in time Back in the driver's seat in time
Chris Farina's 4way career with Perris Fury started with a 19.9 average and the 4th place at the USPA Nationals 2006, followed by another 4th place and a 21.0 average a year later.

A serious obstacle seemed to at least interrupt the Perris Fury progression when Chris Farina fractured a vertebrae in May 2008.

His unique dedication showed during the recovery process, and he and made his first skydive exactly 12 weeks after the accident.

Fury was back in time with Chris Farina and won the first USPA silver medals with a 21.8 average.

Josh Hall wedding on Hawaii in 2010 Josh Hall wedding on Hawaii in 2010
A 3rd place followed in 2009 and another set of USPA silver medals in 2010, while Perris Fury's original lineup continued to cut the distance to Arizona Airspeed.

It seemed to be only a matter of time when Fury would eventually catch up with Arizona Airspeed and take the US top position, especially when Airsped needed a new lineup at the end of the 2010 season.

However, Point Josh Hall decided to accept Mark Kirkby's invitation to join Arizona Airspeed, which was also the end of Fury's original lineup and a very impressive team progression.

Perris Fury continued, and Todd Hawkins filled the open Point slot. There was not enough time to get even close to Airspeed after a late start in 2011, and Fury ended up in 3rd place at the USPA Nationals.

SDC Rhythm XP 2012 lineup SDC Rhythm XP 2012 lineup
Chris Farina weighed his options when SDC Rhythm XP needed a new Center Inside and attended the tryouts in December. His Fury team mate Christy Frikken did the same, and both ended up trying out for the same slot.

The three Rhythm members selected Chris Farina, who is now embracing his new opportunity to get to the top of the 4way world.

Chris Farina plans to continue with his own Fury projects while training and competing with SDC Rhythm XP. He also has USPA AFF and Pro ratings and is a National Judge. He is experienced in organizing bigways (P3 Organizer, Sector Captain for Square1 200-Way, P3 California State Record 200-Way, P3 Dubai 500) and now has to juggle several balls at the same time. The Rhythm 4way ball will the most important one...

Check Sun Path Products NSL News update on December 28th, 2012