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viewing 562 to 564 of 1342

Jun 1st, 2017
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AA Class P,11,15 A,O,21 J,18,Q 7,9 K,6,14 B,D,E,G Total Avg
1 DeLoreans SFBay  US  NCTL 17 21 19 24 17 31 129 21.5
2 DeLoreans Sacramento  US  NCTL 17 23 17 23 18 30 128 21.3
3 Meta4  US  NCTL 16 18 17 20 17 28 116 19.3
4 4Tune  US  NCTL 10 13 13 15 12 18 81 13.5
5 Agave Maria  US  NCTL 4 12 6 15 6 16 59 9.8
Rank A Class P,H,9 A,O,6 J,Q,G 7,9 K,6 B,D,E Total Avg
1 Err Speed  US  NCTL 15 11 10 10 7 18 71 11.8
Rank Rookie O,F,C A,E,N J,Q,G P,L,O K,M,F B,D,E Total Avg
1 Rookie Team Three  US  NCTL 22 12 14 14 - - 62 15.5
2 Goldi-Docks and the Bear  US  NCTL 15 11 12 9 19 16 82 13.7
3 Option 3  US  NCTL 15 6 12 12 18 15 78 13.0
4 Rookie Team One  US  NCTL 14 14 11 12 - - 51 12.8
5 Rookie Team Two  US  NCTL 11 7 10 8 - - 36 9.0
The above scoreboard combines results from multiple events that use the same draw and use sufficiently similar rules and judging.
To see standings for a specific event, please follow the respective event link.

May 27th, 2017
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class G,H,15,14 D,L,J,20 O,16,21 3,C,N,K 17,1,M 5,6,P 7,2,Q 4,9,13 B,8,18 19,11,10 Total Avg
1 HF Flying Circus  CZ  CZSL 10    10    9    11    11    9    13    11    9    10    103 10.3
2 Hvezdy  CZ  CZSL 8    8    10    8    9    10    9    9    8    9    88 8.8
3 HF Skycentrum  CZ  CZSL 4    9    2    7    8    8    6    8    7    7    66 6.6
4 Accord  CZ  CZSL 0    8    0    5    7    7    6    5    9    7    54 5.4
Rank AA Class G,H,15 D,L,J,20 O,21,14 C,N,K,Q 1,M,13 6,P,22 7,2 4,9 B,8,18 19,11 Total Avg
1 PIIA  US  NPSL 5 -1 5    7    1    6    4    -    -    -    -    28 4.7
2 4-Locos  US  NPSL 5 -1 1    6    3    4    6    -    -    -    -    25 4.2
Rank A Class G,H,Q D,L,J O,21 C,N,K M,A,E 6,P 7,2 4,9 B,8 19,F Total Avg
1 3-Ring Circus  US  NPSL 6    6 -1 7    2    8    5    -    -    -    -    34 5.7
2 French Toast Mafia  US  NPSL 3    6 -1 4    2    6    4    -    -    -    -    25 4.2
3 Gripping Donuts  US  NPSL 4    3    5    4    0    4    -    -    -    -    20 3.3
Rank Rookie G,H,Q D,L,J O,B,F C,N,K M,A,E P,G,D H,L,N Q,J,K B,O,M F,C,A Total Avg
- Prestige Worldwide  US  NPSL 0    0    0    0    -    -    -    -    -    -    0 0.0
The above scoreboard combines results from multiple events that use the same draw and use sufficiently similar rules and judging.
To see standings for a specific event, please follow the respective event link.

May 20th, 2017
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AA Class 9,20 G,4,O B,19,21 M,14,2 N,Q,18 F,J,22 Total Avg
1 Bangarang  US  SCSL 10    -    -    -    -    -    10 10.0
2 Action Figures  US  SCSL 6    7    -    -    -    -    13 6.5
3 Purple HaZe  US  FSL 6    7    6    4 -1 7    8    38 6.3
Rank Rookie O,E,D G,P,L B,A,F M,K,O N,Q,C F,J,H Total Avg
1 Blind Mice  US  SCSL 1    0    -    -    -    -    1 0.5
2 Don't Put it on Me  US  SCSL 0    -    -    -    -    -    0 0.0
The above scoreboard combines results from multiple events that use the same draw and use sufficiently similar rules and judging.
To see standings for a specific event, please follow the respective event link.