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Out of the Blue - AAA Class

Out of the Blue

Members: Bart Daenen, Roald de Leest, Danny Dorfel, Mandy Feijen, Paul Hofstee, Ralf Pijnenburg, Leon van Leeuwen, Rick Verbunt, Mechie Voermans

Apr 17th, 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 8,C,7 K,G,12,B 6,4,H 20,1,5 15,10,A F,O,P,21 19,M,9 J,13,E,22 16,3,N L,Q,D,18 Total Avg
1 Out Of The Blue  NL  E 23 -3 23    19 -2 19 -2 17 -1 34    27    21    22    22 -3  227 22.7
Roster: Roald de Leest, Paul Hofstee, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Mar 30th, 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 6,2,C J,L,21,O N,D,17,Q A,9,B,19 3,F,H,22 P,14,16 E,M,4,1 15,12,20 10,18,5 11,13,K Total Avg
1 Out Of The Blue  NL  E 24 30 30 29 22 20 25 14 17 21  232 23.2
Roster: Roald de Leest, Paul Hofstee, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Nov 25th, 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class F,E,17,D O,14,1 5,B,L,16 18,N,H,7 22,10,G 6,C,P,M A,13,Q,21 12,2,11 Total Avg
1 Out Of The Blue  NL  E 39    23    29    26    17    36    24 -1 19     213 26.6
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Sep 7th, 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 3,E,B,18 21,A,P,13 O,22,Q,1 9,D,10 16,M,17 J,14,4 12,H,N,15 8,G,6 19,K,C,5 F,20,2 Total Avg
1 Out Of The Blue  NL  E 18    20    15 -3 19    18    16    16 -1 16    20    19     177 17.7
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Leon van Leeuwen (Video), Mechie Voermans

Aug 23rd, 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 3,G,N,19 11,17,L 13,7,C 2,D,O,8 14,K,J,12 9,M,P,H 5,4,18 15,1,10 16,21,E F,20,6 Total Avg
1 Out Of The Blue  NL  E 17    15 -1 18    16 -1 15    31 -4 14    13    16    18 -1  173 17.3

Apr 20th, 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class E,14,3 K,F,22,17 O,7,5 N,2,18 L,P,12,15 M,10,D,H 16,9,C 1,G,J,8 4,Q,21 6,20,A Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 22    23 -2 27 -2 21 -1 21    26 -1 26 -1 22 -1 21    22     231 23.1
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Nov 26th, 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 13,12,D O,10,3 11,Q,N,15 A,J,6,18 9,16,7 22,K,F,C B,P,5,L 1,21,H Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 21 18 23 26 24 26 31 24  193 24.1
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Oct 21st, 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 20,16,B P,D,21,13 17,K,11 E,A,19,22 2,9,M C,14,F,12 3,6,18 4,10,1 8,Q,O,H 5,7,J Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 16    16 -3 17    17    14 -2 17    12 -1 13 -1 21 -1 18     161 16.1
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Leon van Leeuwen (Video), Mechie Voermans

Sep 1st, 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class Q,20,18 19,H,N,L D,G,16,5 1,17,M B,K,14,6 11,J,2 22,21,3 A,P,9,15 13,7,F 4,8,12 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 12 -1 19 -2 19 -1 17    16 -1 15    15    18 -3 21    14     166 16.6
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Leon van Leeuwen (Video), Mechie Voermans

Apr 6th, 2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class O,18,14 L,C,F,9 1,J,H,19 3,E,P,Q 20,7,16 2,13,8 17,D,6 N,22,A,G 12,5,11 M,21,4 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 20    39 -2 25    30    17 -2 19    27    23    18 -1 22     240 24.0
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Sep 3rd, 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class G,1,5 21,O,22 Q,P,8,17 10,11,20 E,6,A,C 12,18,16 D,L,M,9 4,H,3 7,K,19 2,13,15 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 16 -2 15    18 -1 12    22    13 -1 29 -1 17    16    14     172 17.2
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Leon van Leeuwen (Video), Mechie Voermans

Aug 10th, 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class O,19,Q,5 17,B,E,P H,15,12 M,N,7,F K,L,C,4 J,18,16 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 12 -2 25    15    23 -2 18    15 -1  108 18.0
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Leon van Leeuwen (Video), Mechie Voermans

Aug 29th, 2020
1 2 3 4 5 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 22,21,M 5,C,J,H 7,3,6 10,E,9 18,L,B,F Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 15    22 -1 15    20    23     95 19.0
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Leon van Leeuwen (Video), Mechie Voermans

Jan 30th, 2020
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class Q,F,6,14 1,13,4 8,J,15 O,9,D,5 21,A,P,H N,C,20,12 7,G,K,19 10,16,22 17,E,11 M,B,3,L Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 25    19    21    31 -2 29 -1 18    25    17 -1 24    16 -7  225 22.5
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Dec 14th, 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 15,16,18 F,2,11 K,14,21 7,E,O,N H,1,B,M L,A,C,4 17,22,8 D,12,19 6,5,13 9,G,10 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 17 22 18 31 32 25 17 17 20 22 221 22.1
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Nov 30th, 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class N,M,13,2 21,18,A 6,16,H 10,1,C 3,J,K,22 O,L,E,D,15 B,F,5,G Q,12,7 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 24 19 22 20 20 32 25 22  184 23.0
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Aug 29th, 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class Q,F,C,16 L,A,18,M E,D,21,B 11,P,7 22,15,3 G,10,J,8 17,N,19 9,4,13 5,K,1 20,O,6 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 25 22 23 16 13 15 13 15 17 15  174 17.4

Jul 6th, 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class H,P,4,C 22,18,16 15,M,20 E,14,O,7 G,6,1 A,9,5 10,K,B,Q 13,8,2 11,L,F,D J,21,12 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 21    12    14 -1 19    16 -1 18 -2 13    14    21    14     162 16.2
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Leon van Leeuwen (Video), Mechie Voermans

Apr 18th, 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class M,K,D,14 Q,4,5 P,E,9,15 3,N,G,2 6,1,8 F,12,11 13,22,J H,L,B,18 O,20,A,17 21,7,19 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 24    22    27    19 -1 19    19    18    27    24    20 -1  219 21.9
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Jan 31st, 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class F,21,6 L,H,22,7 C,8,19 9,D,5 16,N,14 13,20,G 4,B,J,M 11,17,Q 3,O,K,E A,12,2 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue Project 20+  NL  E 21 -1 20 -1 19    28    19    17    28 -1 21 -2 23 -2 15    211 21.1
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Dec 14th, 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 16,G,K,Q D,20,H,3 2,9,P 5,19,7 22,10,8 B,21,6 L,18,A,N J,14,C,17 12,F,15 M,O,E,11 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue Project 20+  NL  E 23 19 23 20 15 21 22 21 18 27  209 20.9
Roster: Bart Daenen, Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Mechie Voermans

Nov 24th, 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class A,18,F,6 Q,N,11,12 17,10,5 J,B,L,2 O,3,16 D,21,C,G 9,H,K,14 7,E,22 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue Project 20+  NL  E 23 20 20 26 22 23 23 21  178 22.3
Roster: Mandy Feijen (Tail), Ralf Pijnenburg (Point), Leon van Leeuwen (Alternate), Rick Verbunt (Outside Center), Mechie Voermans (Inside Center)

Oct 26th, 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class K,17,J,21 4,H,F,11 18,L,16 5,M,O,C N,8,P,19 6,9,10 D,12,15 Q,B,G,22 20,E,14 7,3,2 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue Project 20+  NL  E 24    19    18    30    20 -1 18 -1 15 -1 23    17    18     202 20.2

Oct 7th, 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 21,L,B,G 22,18,17 19,7,O J,16,12 10,A,D,15 Q,M,F,C,N H,20,P,13 6,14,11 E,2,5 4,1,3 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue Project 20+  NL  E 16 -1 11 -1 13 -3 14    15 -1 28 -2 15 -1 15    14 -2 12 -1  153 15.3

Aug 29th, 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 5,17,D N,A,13,J 16,P,4 M,Q,10,6 9,12,7 15,E,8 19,3,14 K,22,1 20,11,B G,18,H,C Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue Project 20+  NL  E 18 16 16 16 15 11 12 11 14 16  145 14.5

Jun 23rd, 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 16,M,14 6,G,11 C,P,E,10 D,Q,20,B 19,18,7 N,A,2,12 22,L,5 1,8,F Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue Project 20+  NL  E 13    14    17    16    13    14    13 -1 13     113 14.1
Roster: Bart Daenen (Video), Mandy Feijen, Ralf Pijnenburg, Rick Verbunt, Mechie Voermans

Nov 24th, 2017
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 21,17,12 B,H,Q,10 D,9,K,P 18,22,F 3,G,O,M 16,L,N,E 11,J,15 2,C,A,14 Total Avg
1 Out Of The Blue  NL  E 15 25 31 14 22 22 18 18 165 20.6

Sep 2nd, 2017
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 19,E,D,K F,15,3 Q,14,C,12 20,O,4 J,16,G,6 N,10,P,L H,21,17 13,9,B 11,5,7 2,1,M Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 16 14 12 14 14 14 14 16 15 13 142 14.2

Aug 7th, 2017
1 2 3 4 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class L,O,F,K,11 C,3,7 13,2,G 1,17,20 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 18    14 -1 12    12    56 14.0
Roster: Bart Daenen (Video), Danny Dorfel, Mandy Feijen, Leon van Leeuwen, Mechie Voermans

Jul 1st, 2017
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Avg
Rank AAA Class 14,E,20 3,7,4 B,15,10 H,F,2,6 5,1,16 P,8,K,22 19,J,M,L 17,21,11 Total Avg
1 Out of the Blue  NL  E 14 13 14 15 8 13 18 13  108 13.5
Roster: Bart Daenen (Video), Danny Dorfel, Mandy Feijen, Leon van Leeuwen, Mechie Voermans